Clay Aiken Sings A Beautiful Song

I wish you music, I wish you song;
I wish you harmony your whole life long
The warmth of memories that long remain
I wish you Christmas, a merry Christmas, 
And may God bless you till we all shall meet again.

The ABC show, Good Morning America has always opened their doors to Clay Aiken.  He has visited the show many times.  Sometimes he performs and other times he talks about his music, his career and the many projects that he supports.

On December 25th, 2005, Clay Aiken sang a moving rendition of David Fosters Grown Up Christmas List.  Clay had performed a few days earlier for a live performance on GMA and took a few minutes to record this beautiful song so it could be broadcast on Christmas Day.

This particular performance is one of my favorites.  It isn’t because it is perfect, or that Clay looked great, or that I am in the holiday mood.  I think it’s because the performance is understated and shows that Clay is singing from his heart.

I know that I have posted Grown Up Christmas List on this blog before, but this is right there at the top.  I hope you think so too!!

What A Beautiful Video!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

5 thoughts on “Clay Aiken Sings A Beautiful Song

  1. I so agree with you – and Clay sings it so meaningfully and it is absolutely beautiful! I can never grow tired of his effortless way of doing music. This was very touching!

    Thank you, CANN.

  2. GUCL, especially sung by Clay, is at the top of my favorites Christmas songs. Thank you so much, CANN for sharing!

  3. Thank you for the picture and the video. This song is one of my favorites. Happy Hanukkah to everyone out there who are fans of CANN. Thank you again.

  4. That was a beautiful rendition of Grown Up Christmas List. Clay's eyes were closed during most of the song, and I felt he was really feeling the words. Andy Abad was on guitar as usual. Andy was on most of Clay's concerts and recordings. I hope he and his family are doing well.

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