Clay Aiken – Beautiful Words To Haunting Music

Where Do I Begin is a popular song that was published in 1970. The song was first introduced as an instrumental piece in the 1970 film, Love Story. It wasn’t until the theme became popular that the lyrics were added.

Francis Lai wrote the haunting music to Where Do I Begin and Carl Sigman was the lyricist who added the beautiful words to the haunting music.

I saw Clay in San Francisco at the final Tried & True concert.  It was a popular event in San Francisco and I will never forget sitting there and hearing Clays voice filling the theatre from backstage.  And when the curtains parted, we all looked up to see JEROME standing at the mike, pretending that he was the artist for the night!!  It was a fun touch for the final concert.

But beyond the laughter, we could hear Clay’s pure voice singing the beautiful song!

Have you heard Clay sing Where Do I Begin?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Beautiful Words To Haunting Music

  1. I saw Clay in this concert in Ohio. Yes, it was funny seeing Jerome standing at the mike, pretending to sing in place of Clay. Those were the days when we could count on seeing Clay on a concert tour each summer.

  2. Thank you for the pictures. The pictures are great. I did see Clay on this tour. The song and Clays voice are beautiful. Thank you CANN.

  3. Yes, I did see this show and it was much different and a lot of fun! We saw it in Cleveland and my daughter had a M&G – that was exciting! Always came from the show wanting to see another. Never too much Clay! Thank you!

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