Clay Aiken – When Clay Speaks, People Listen!

Another day full of great promotion for Clay Aiken. I know I can’t get it all, but I will do what I can.

There seemed to be two different topics of comments. First, Clay’s comments about North Carolina’s proposed Amendment 1 seems to be everywhere. And, of course, there is a great deal of promotion for Celebrity Apprentice that starts next Sunday.

Here are a few of the mentions about North Carolina’s Amendment 1.

• The

Clay Aiken Speaks Out Against Marriage Ban
Entertainer Clay Aiken is speaking out against North Carolina’s proposed Amendment 1, which will ban same-sex marriage, say it will hurt children by potentially taking away their health care.
Aiken, who came out publicaly as gay in 2008 and lives in North Carolina with his 3-year-old son, says the amendment goes too far, changing the state’s constitution to deny recognition to any union other than a heterosexual marriage….

You can read the entire article and see the video at ADVOCATE

• Charlotte Observer – Opinions

Idol’s Clay Aiken blasts gay marriage amendment
Raleigh’s Clay Aiken, who rose to stardom on “American Idol” in 2003, is speaking out against the proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in North Carolina.

In a video posted to YouTube on Monday, Aiken says there’s no one right kind of family.

“Families look different. They always have looked different,” Aiken says. “You have single parent families, you have families with parents of different races, you have families with parents of different religions. And no matter what we might want a family to look like, we can’t put into a constitution — a document that’s supposed to protect our rights — one narrow definition. And I think that an amendment like this goes way too far.”
Aiken, a UNC Charlotte graduate, announced he was gay in 2008 and has a son with his friend, Jaymes Foster, the sister of record producer David Foster. Aiken recorded the spot for a group called The Coalition to Protect North Carolina Families.

Amendment One will be on the ballot on May 8. It would define marriage in the N.C. Constitution as being between one man and one woman. Gay marriage is already illegal in North Carolina.

We can’t name a single song Aiken sings, but he’s using his voice well on this issue. While other states, such as Washington, are moving toward equality, North Carolina could move away from it.

I have found at least 30 more articles that have posted Clay’s comments and the video. When Clay speaks…people listen!!

• Celebrity Apprentice 
If you can’t read the small print, be sure a click on the picture to increase the size.


This is an interview with Andretti. The following is the Clay info!

Trump’s Hair Is Real, Says ‘Apprentice’ Racer Michael Andretti: Interview

When Michael Andretti started taping the “Celebrity Apprentice” season last October, he did so on 24 hours’ notice.

He was a stand-in for his son, Marco, who the day before, Oct. 16, was involved in a 15-car crash at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway that claimed the life of 2011 Indy 500 winner Dan Wheldon.

Marco, 24, was too shaken to travel to New York, so his dad stepped in.

“I was thrown to the lions,” says Andretti, 49. “It was literally off the plane, put on a mic and ‘Here ya go!’ I didn’t even know what the task was.”


Fans won’t know how Andretti’s luck plays out until the U.S. television season starts, as secrecy is paramount, but from a conversation with the racing driver and IndyCar team owner, it’s clear that he survives the first episode, airing on Feb. 19. Other contestants in a cast of 18 include Clay Aiken, Cheryl Tiegs and Arsenio Hall.


Clash: Which contestants did you get along best with?

Andretti: You watch personalities change as time goes on. Some are fakes, then the real stuff comes out. I didn’t go in with a facade, so what you see is what you get. Dee Snider (Twisted Sister), Penn (Jillette) from Penn & Teller and Arsenio (Hall) are all cool guys. Clay (Aiken) was good, but he had his own mission so you had to watch him. Lou Ferrigno to your face was nice, but he’d throw you under the bus in the boardroom.

You can read the entire article at BLOOMBERG

* Penn, Lisa, and Mr. Trump have all had interviews on Wednesday. I am sure there will be more today!

The following is the new promotion for Celebrity Apprentice. There are some screen-caps and then the YouTube. Lots of fun!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

8 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – When Clay Speaks, People Listen!

  1. Loved the screen caps and especially the video – the

    song works perfectly for the Montage!

    Clay is a great speaker and people will definitely listen – no argument there!

    I am so excited to see TCA on Sunday night – it seems

    it will be so exciting and funny and really hope Clay

    has a huge response and it will all work out for NIP!!!

  2. I love Clay using his voice, not only for singing, but for bringing attention to matters that are close to his heart. Good for you Clay.

    Thanks Musicfan for the video clips and screencaps.

  3. I love that Clay advocates for what he believes in. There’s no greater way to show his intelligence and strength of character!

    The screecaps are amazing…thank for sharing them. Icertainly would not want to be the recipient of that look. EVER! LOL

  4. I love that Clay is out there advocating for something he believes in! What a way to use his voice for good.

    Loving all the ads and wish him the best of luck on Celebrity Apprentice and making big strides in promoting the NIP and of course the funds that have been raised for the NIP as well.

    Love the screencaps and can honestly say I would not enjoy being on the recieving end of those looks.

  5. Looks like the CApp press hype is reaching fever pitch. It is amazing how a lot of the descriptions
    of Clay's game playing have increased as surprised reactions. At first, he was very good, then add on smart and cunning. Include tough, and as of today, he was also nasty – in a complimentary, game on, sort of way. Hopefully it will all end up being a very good thing, in Clay's favor.

  6. I love all the news that has all the Clay mentions and Clay quotes. He is a smart man and knows the way to think things through to accomplish his goal. I am so excited to see CA start and see how other people in the industry see how intelligent he is. Go Clay!

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