Clay Aiken – omg! Insider

Have you ever watched the television show, The Insider? Considered a news program that has become tabloid television, The Insider covers the news, celebrities and events in the entertainment field.  On January 7, 2013, The Insider changed its name to omg! Insider.

Clay Aiken has been a frequent visitor to The Insider. According to what I have found, Clay has been featured on the show 45 times. The show appeared to like Clay and it seemed that Clay enjoyed talking to Pat O’Brien, the original host of the show. Lara Spencer also interviewed Clay when he was in New York.

The following pictures are only a few of the available pictures of Clay when he was on The Insider. Do you remember any of these visits?

The Insider always supported Clay when he traveled for UNICEF.

On January 4, 2005, Clay was featured as he talked about how we all could help Indonesia.

On April 5, 2005, The Insider covered Clay’s trip to Indonesia

The Insider visited Clay backstage at the Joyful Noise Tour on October 31, 2005

SMILE…On August 21, 2006 The Insider featured the ATDW photo shoot. They showed many great shots of the photographer and Clay.

Look at some of the screen cap messages from The Insider

These are only a few of the pictures from The Insider. I am certainly glad that they enjoyed having Clay on their program. Those pictures are so much fun to see!!

Which one is your favorite?


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

5 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – omg! Insider

  1. I watched all of these and taped them also – Lara Spencer covered Clay moving into his house
    in N.C. – think maybe it was the first interview after he moved in. I enjoyed them all but that video
    really showed his loving and caring heart. <3 Always was "some kinda guy – that Clay" !!!

  2. That video was beautiful, Clay seems so at home with the children, so much love, and as far as my favorite photo, you guessed it, all of them. Thanks Musicfan xox

  3. I love the pictures and stories. My favorite was the photo shoot for ATDW. Gorgeous! But of course it’s great to hear about his UNICEF trip and the ways to help children in the world.

  4. i watched all of these and i have to say i alsoloved the pictures and storys my fav was when clay photo shot atdw but it realy was important for me when clay became the embasader for unicef and when he went to all those different places and the ways that he help children in this wold ;

  5. I watched all of these also. My favorite pictures and items were of Clay's work with UNICEF. There is such a joy on his face when he is with children. All the pictures of Clay are great though.

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