Clay Aiken – An Especially Fun Moment



Clay Aiken was on Twitter Wednesday.  He had some strong opinions about a few things.

I am glad that he feels that he can say what he thinks!

 You can see his tweets on the right column of CANN or visit his twitter account!



I thought we might re-visit an especially fun moment from our past with Clay Aiken.

In 2007, Clay was touring throughout the United States. The tour made its way to Ft. Myers, Florida. The show was going well, but when it was time for Quiana’s solo, the lighting man just couldn’t get it right. Somehow, he refused to shine the spotlight on anyone but Clay. After many hand signals and hints, Clay finally sat down on Quiana’s stool and she sat in front of him. The performance ended up as a wonderful musical performance by Quiana and some good giggles from Clay. You just have to see this one. The title of the song “When The Lights Go Down” fit the problem completely.

It’s amazing how well Quiana sang this song…in spite of all the teasing by Clay!!

Thank you, Quiana for this wonderful song!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – An Especially Fun Moment

  1. This was a fun segment of Clay's tour and ended up with a great vocal from our beautiful Quiana! Thank you for posting this one for my Thursday morning coffee breakfast!

  2. What a fun video. I can hardly believe that lighting tech was that dense. Clay was so cute. I sure never saw this video before.

    Twitter was pretty good too. Clay wasn’t holding back on Wednesday’s tweeting that’s for sure. Well thanks for an interesting post. ❤️ UNCONDITIONAL love for you Clay.

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