Clay Aiken – Another Poll??

The entire entertainment world seems to want our opinion of American Idol, Clay Aiken and his blog. I don’t think I have ever seen so many polls.

So………….we thought we would throw in a poll too.  If  all the other blogs have them, we will too.

Please check out our new poll -“Clay Aiken vs. American Idol”  It is in the side-bar.  We would love to know your opinion.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

21 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Another Poll??

  1. Great idea! Everyone else is commenting on Clay Aiken’s comments, so why not those who actually follow Clay!

  2. I can’t pick the answer, sorry. The problem is, I honestly agree with Clay about favoritism and chosen ones (Adam and Danny this season, and Lil Rounds in the beginning).

    BUT, I don’t think it’s nice to call anyone arrogant or whatever if you actually haven’t watched the show. I don’t think it’s fair to draw conclusions about somebody in a competition that runs for months based on one single performance.
    And yes, I like Adam. I know he’s the kind of performer you either like or hate. Apparently Clay dosn’t like him. I’m ok with that.

    Anyways, Clay’s still the man!

    • Clay didn’t call Adam arrogant. Just that the public may have perceived him as arrogant. Big difference. He was really just saying that Kris may of won because he may of seemed more likable than Adam. That is why it is so important to read Clay’s comments carefully, in context with his disclaimers.

      • Ok, you’re right, he did say that. Sorry, me guilty. On the other hand, the bad thing is that the people who aren’t real fans are NEVER EVER going to be that careful about reading his comments, most of them are only going to read the news titles, which right now mostly suggest “Clay Aiken Disses Adam Lambert” or likewise… And that is really bad.
        Oh, and where’s the so-called fan who leaked it out?
        Anyways, the publicity right now is like HUGE… though not too positive :/

        • True. That’s the risk every celebrity takes whenever they make a comment. It is unfortunate that even the most innocuous comments can be misconstrued… or comments can be made up out of thin air! In the long run, I don’t think the fallout will be that bad. It will blow over. And I really doubt that Adam or Kris or AI are losing any sleep over this. Heck, AI is probably thrilled. Insult publicity is their forte.

  3. Clay was absolutely right, IMO! AI went overboard hyping Adam so much so that IMO you’d have to be living under a rock not to see it. That said, Adam may still have lost if AI hadn’t done that, but they sure didn’t do him any favors. I didn’t have a favorite all season tho, so it didn’t matter to me who won.

  4. clay had every right to his opinion…as we all do….

    Funny, but I caught my first glimpse of Adam on AI singing Ring of Fire…and my face was as stunned as Simon’s and Randy Travis…I thought…what the H___ was that????? It actually hurt my ears…. By Clay is being crucified for saying what he thought…I say good for you Clay…My opinion was exactly the same as yours…

    It’s kind of gone stupid on the media with this…no one is reading what Clay has actually said…they are reading between the lines, and making false judgements…It’s really pathetic….

    What is strange is that after AI is over….everyone is talking about Clay…..good or bad…they are talking about Clay…. Will this squash any chance of Clay going on AI again.. no…AI wasn’t going to put him on anyways…so Clay might as well voice his opinion…. As far as Clay going on AI and having to be rushed out cause he wanted to meet Adam…I do believe that rumour is false…in light of Clay’s blog…

    I hope they find out who took Clay’s blog off the site, and gave it to the media…(as if we don’t know!!!) this person should be banned and immediately…. it goes against the TOU.

    You go Clay…USE YOUR VOICE


  5. please yall get a life, he is not even in the same singing range as adam lambert. his 15 mintues of fame or up and he is just jealous.
    at least adam lambert is real and doens’t try to hide who he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I have no idea what their comparative singing ranges have to do with anything. If his 15 minutes are up, then why is everyone so interested in what he says? If ABC News reports it, then I guess he’s still famous! And don’t try to tell us Adam doesn’t try to hide who he is. He refuses to confirm his orientation to the press. Sound like hiding to me! I think you are the one who needs to get a life.

  6. Clay Aiken is completely right in what he wrote in his blog. He sure has been around a long time…over 6 years and still going strong. He is a SUPER STAH! Can’t wait to go to his next concert…HE knows how to entertain.

  7. I wonder too where is the so-called fan, who sent Clay’s comment to a newspaper or wherever.

    I sure hope Clay doesn’t stop the question & answer sessions thinking that he has to be super careful of what he says, or a supposed fan will leak his comments to the media. Heck, I would never share my true feeling on anything controversial if I had to worry about a snitch.

  8. teri carpenter, if Adam isn’t hiding anything then why does he refuse to come out and say he definitely is gay? He also shut down his MySpace during his time on AI, which had his proclamation of his sexual identity…which was gay.

    Clay didn’t come out during his time on AI because he had not come out to his family yet, and not until his family knew did he come out on the cover of People.

    So tell me what is worse, not coming out publicly until your family knows, or trying to hide it after you have already come out to your family and MySpace public? Right now Adam sure isn’t coming off as “real” to anyone. Ask the gay community.

  9. Every year the idol judges have their favorites that tend to get special treatment. I don’t let it influence my voting, but I’ll bet some are influenced by it.

  10. Clay is a very generous person, he can sing very well. But, I have got to say, I was really shocked but his words about Adam Lambert because he seems to be a genuinely nice person. I do not like Lambert one bit more than Clay… but, Lambert got as far in the contest as Clay did. And, Clay knows more than any of us how hard it is to have to deal with petty, cruel remarks. I don’t think Clay is a monster, but he did disappoint me very much.

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