Revival = rebirth, reawakening
How many of you got to attend the Pastor Studdard Revival this summer? It certainly was a success and he “awakened” the rhythm in his patient.
If you missed seeing this “miracle” in person, maybe the following pictures will help you. Then, watch the wonderful REVIVAL video montage by the talented SueReu. If you watch this video, you won’t be able to stop smiling. Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard were so good in this sketch and SueReu caught it all!
I adored The Revival LOL!!! So many funny bits (I'd love to know what was written on the letter to Ruben in Lancaster).
Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard make a great team and I hope we get more at some future date (like Summer 2011???)
I love – love the Revival! Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard play off each other like the Pros they are.
The Revival clips certainly demonstrate the comedic abilities Clay and Ruben have.
One more part of the Timeless Tour that was so enjoyable. The voices and the comedy of Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard are priceless.
I was fortunate to see "the awakening" one time in Lancaster, and it was hilarious. I didn't think I'd enjoy this tour since I was never a Ruben fan, but he surprised me. It's obvious he and Clay have remained good friends. They were great together. Would love to see more of the same from them.
I loved this part of the concert! Both men were in fine form and showed how well they play off one other and how funny they are. I would love to see them team up for more. They sounded great singing together and I totally enjoyed the entire show.
OMG! I loved that Montage by suerue. Those two are so hilarious…especially when they had to turn away because they were laughing so much. When Clay lost his mike down his drawers (as he put it) that was sooo funny. They certainly do play well off each other. Maybe, in the future, they can do something else together.
Suerue thanks for that great video! I could watch those two all day. They are hilarious together and then there's those voices. Amazing!!
Thank you for another great blog. Sue, your montage was priceless, as usual. I could handle another Clay and Ruben tour anytime if they follow this format. We really did have the time of our lives!
I laughed myself silly watching this montage. My husband came in and asked me what was so funny. Thanks SueRue this was priceless and recalled all the fun of this tour. I hope we get TT2.
When I first saw the photos of Clay wrapped in a blanket, I didn't know what was going on. Then I attended the concert in Lancaster, and there was the Reverand Studdard curing Clay of his inability to dance. We all laughed so hard! But to tell the truth, Clay was doing quite well with the moves and steps during the 60"s medley and doesn't need to be "cured".
That was a really great montage. I could watch the revival skit over and over and laugh just as hard each time.