Clay Aiken – Amazed By The Numbers


I am a big fan of YouTube. I love being able to find some great videos of my favorite performers and I can watch them for free…and as many times as I want.  #1 on my list of performers to watch is Clay Aiken; I also love pulling up figure skating videos…anyone else like watching Michelle Kwan?

YouTube was created by three engineers in San Bruno, California in 2005.  The three men met while working at PayPal.  It seems the idea of YouTube came about because the three were trying to share videos taken during a party in San Francisco.  I am sure these talented young men had no idea they were creating one of the largest and most successful social networking site on the Internet.

The purpose for writing this blog today is to introduce the importance of YouTube to Clay Aiken.

Please look over the following statistics about YouTube.  I was amazed at the numbers.

YouTube Traffic

  • 72 hours of video are uploaded every minute, or one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second.
  • Over 4 billion videos are viewed a day
  • Over 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month
  • Over 3 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube
  • More video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years
  • 70% of YouTube traffic comes from outside theUS
  • YouTube is localized in 43 countries and across 60 languages
  • In 2011, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views
  • In 2011 there were almost 140 views for every person on Earth

Mobile Devices

  • Traffic from mobile devices tripled in 2011
  • More than 10% of global YouTube views come from mobile devices
  • 3 hours of video is uploaded per minute to YouTube from mobile devices
  • YouTube is available on 350 million devices


  • 500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on Facebook, and over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter each minute
  • 100 million people take a social action on YouTube (likes, shares, comments, etc) every week
  • More than 50% of videos on YouTube have been rated or include comments from the community
  • Millions of videos are favorited every day
  • Clicks on the ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ button on YouTube have doubled since the start of 2011. For every ‘dislike,’ they get 10 ‘likes’- people like to tell other people about the stuff they love.

These are astounding figures.  I knew YouTube was popular, but I had no idea it was so large.

So, how does this relate to Clay Aiken?  Well, YouTube is a good place to be seen.  There are hundreds of videos of Clay…you can see concerts, TV appearances, and even some backstage action.  As fans, we can help get high numbers on Clay’s videos.  First, we need to view the video.  It doesn’t stop there though…we need to “like” the video, and leave a short comment.  These numbers are used to track the popularity and relevancy of songs and artists.  The data is used by record labels, booking agents, advertisers, and radio stations.

So… Let’s start with the video posted below.  If each of you will play it at least once, “like” it, we could add some numbers.  Pass the word…ask another Clay fan to watch the video too.  To me, it’s a “win-win” situation.  Clay’s numbers increase and I get to watch Clay perform.  I can do that!

Statistics about YouTube were taken from the YouTube Internet Website.

Graphic from

Have you ever posted a video on YouTube?  Do you watch YouTube videos of Clay? 



Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

24 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Amazed By The Numbers

  1. Yes, I share your joy in watching Ice Skating and do like Michelle Kwan! I loved when Clay sang in
    Vegas for the Ice Show by Smuckers. Taped that and have enjoyed watching that so many times.
    I also like the U-Tube videos – but mostly, my watching is limited to Clay's videos. I can get lost in
    them for hours!

  2. The numbers are amazing. Thanks for all your hard work in getting this to us Musicfan.
    Again, thanks for the video of Unchained Melody. It gave me chills….as always!!!!! Lovely to wake up to.

  3. I love tp watch Clay's videos on Youtube. It always brings back memories of concerts I have been to when I see a video that was filmed at a concert I had attended. I sometimes get "lost" in Youtube. Once you start watching videos, it is hard to break away. There are so many great ones there of Clay. Thanks so much for posting the background on this-I think it is wonderful!

  4. I can't find time to watch tv because I can't get away from the youtube videos of Clay Aiken singing talking what ever he is doing. He got cheated out of a win on CA likw AI. But nobody else has ever done that before I am sure…So he doe's have a record for the final show on both of them, and he is the most loved amoung his competors on both shows..He is the best singer I have ever heard ,no one is better and he can sing ANYTHING,

  5. What great information! I love You Tube. It is a great source for finding information on artists. Of course, I am constantly watching Clay, sharing the videos on my facebook and just plain loving what I see and hear. He is absolutely amazing.

  6. Youtube is a huge huge huge massive promotional opportunity for Clay, and it's free. I wish he would make a couple of official videos, but in lieu of that, there are many talented fans out there picking up the pace! It is very important to view, like, favorite, share and comment on videos after you've viewed them – it really helps in the relevancy and getting Clay to the top of a search (if you search Bridge Over Troubled Water, Clay's version comes up on the front page – that's what we're going for!).

    Thanks for the information!

    • Thanks, Sue….I really hope that all of us will step up and help get the numbers up for Clay. It is so easy and its FREE!!!

  7. What an interesting article. I love YouTube but had no idea it was so huge. I also didn't realize that the numbers were so important. I guess I better remember to LIKE the video. Can you leave a comment more than once?

    Many thanks for this informative article. I sure learn a lot here!

  8. i watch you tube and ilove you tube and i do watch clay aiken videos and i do love to watch clay sing on his videos and see him sing hes verry amazing and the numbers are just amazing

  9. Thanks, musicfan, this is important! Yes, I watch YouTube a lot, mostly Clay!
    I do Like them, make them a Favorite, Share them (even if only to my own fb page and my own alternate email addy), and leave a comment. Someone told us about that years ago; maybe you, musicfan, lol!
    Btw, if you see the vid embedded here on her blog, you can click on the YouTube button to play it on the YouTube site so you can do all that. If you play it in place, when it finishes, at the top of the screen there's usually a thumbs-up Like and thumbs-down Dislike icon next to the Replay arrow, on the left or right side. You can click the Like there.
    Yes, Rally, on YouTube you can leave more than one comment, but if you do more than, I think it's three, during a single visit, it snarks at you. I always try to write a comment and sometimes read the other comments and reply to something too. Or sometimes I forget to say something in the first one, so make a second comment.

    • The video is from YouTube. Click on the red arrow and then click the YouTube button on the bottom left.

      Thanks for all your support!

  10. musicfan, thanks for sharing his UM vid, this is SO beautiful!!
    I haven't seen a vid like this before, or if so I didn't realize that it was a YT vid (no YT button, which used to take you out to the site).
    This time I saw the Share prompt (I have see the thumbs-up/down without that) and clicked on it, and there were the standard YT embed/share buttons. Didn't know about those either!
    I always used to go out to the site because I didn't realize you could do all this from an embedded vid; plus I'm so used to NOT playing in place for fear of it costing the site owner/admin, LOL.

  11. Thanks for the insightful info about You Tube and it's relevance to Clay. I watch and uploads 'like lots' of Clay clips. 'Discovered' Clay on YT so it holds a special place for me.

    Ditto to everything Sue R. stated.

    You Tube is also a great vehicle for Clay to garner new fans in lieu of the absence of radio play of his music. I get a lot of comments and messages at my channel from new fans who like me and others, discovered Clay through YT clip viewing.

  12. I'm hooked on YouTube Videos of Clay and saved several as favorites on my IPOD. Now I embed one video a week on my facebook page. Ever wonder why I go by Closet Claym8? My family is sick of me talking about Clay everyday so I live in the closet and come out to play once a week. 🙂
    The closet isn't so bad – I can plug in the earphones and watch him on youtube without disturbing the others. I'm curious which videos out there people like? For me it's Laugh For Me Clay, Born With A Smile, and a montage someone did for Lover All Alone. There are many others from AI to Celebrity Apprentice that I like too. It's not as simple as clicking like and dislike though. I noticed that for me to "like" or "dislike" a video it says I have to have an "account". What's that all about?

  13. Thank you for this informative article. It seems like you can find whatever you want on YouTube. I have never made a YouTube, but I have watched many.

    I do wish that we could all rally around and get more hits and comments on the You Tube posted here. It only takes a moment and it will help Clay.

    I seldom post, but I do enjoy the blog every day. Keep it up!

  14. I love You Tube and have watched pretty much everything I can find that's related to Clay!!!
    It's easy to get lost there and just keep watching and listening. I love this performance from the OMG concert and am surprised that it doesn't have more views and comments. Looked back and found my original comment and just posted another.

    Thanks so much for another informative article!

  15. I also love YouTube and we, as Clay fans, have so any great videos to watch. Some of us may not necessarily always the time or the money to attend concerts, therefore, having YouTube has been a blessing and and not to forget very entertaining 🙂 Thank you for this informative blog and link. I always look forward to your daily tweet and retweet but too often forget to leave a comment.

  16. Love Youtube. Wish it had been around when Clay was on AI. I remember searching the internet for small videos of Clay's performances. LOL

  17. I love YouTube! It is great entertainment, as well as great exposure for an artist. Any video of Clay on YouTube shows the world just what an amazing, talented singer he is.

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