Sometimes a few small bits of news add up to enough information for a day. Let’s check it out!
Clay joined in the twitter conversation about the Vice Presidential Debate…Clay tweeted three times:
Show em how it’s done @martharaddatz ! She is CONTROLLING this debate! Way to go! This woman could herd cats!!!
Biden oughta go ahead and stop saying “my friend” — Joe, you ain’t fooling no one with that mess.
The real winner of tonight’s debate: @martharaddatz She was great!!
It was fun to see Clay’s first tweet was included in the Celebrities Tweet Reaction To Vice Presidential Debate list at Hollywood Life. Nice that Billy Nilles included Clay. You can see the article and entire list at HOLLYWOODLIFE
Yesterday, October 11, marked the 24th anniversary of the first National Coming Out Day. NCOD was launched after a march onWashingtonby more than half a million people in support of lesbian and gay rights on October 11, 1987. The purpose of National Coming Out Day is to promote government and public awareness of gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender rights and to celebrate homosexuality.
The Huffington Post published an article titled: 41 Celebrities Who Busted Out Of The Closet. They have a video of each of the Celebrities. Clay’s video is #11. The site says about Clay:
Clay Aiken 2008
After becoming a father in August of 2008, the “American Idol” runner up came out on the cover of People magazine in September 2008 saying, “Coming out was the first decision I made as a father… I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn’t raised that way, and I’m not going to raise a child to do that.
If you want to see the entire list of 41 celebrities, visit: CLOSET
If you are interested in the new season of Celebrity Apprentice, be sure you watch The Today Show this morning on NBC. Donald Trump will be a guest and there are rumors that some of this season’s contestants will be there too. This season is an All-Star cast and will be made up of former contestants.
With talk of Celebrity Apprentice, the press is again talking about last season. It is always fun to read all the support for Clay. Everyone still seems shocked that Clay didn’t win.
The internet site, TV Blend, wrote about Celebrity Apprentice last year. Each week, they recounted the show and were never afraid to give their opinion on the stars and what they did. Yesterday, October 11th, this site published an article about the new season. It was fun to see that they are still thinking of Clay. They said:
Currently, NBC has not finalized the roster for the season, but I’m really hoping Clay Aiken will commit to return. He was seriously robbed of last season’s win and, of all the potential contestants, I think he most deserves a second shot.
To read the entire article, visit TVBLEND
Clay’s friend, Dee Snider, is still talking about Clay too. On October 11, The Worcester Mag published an article titled:
Two Minutes With…Dee Snider. Dee said:
Who should have won your season of “The Apprentice?” Clay Aiken or Arsenio Hall? Absolutely Clay, in a heartbeat; Arsenio was not deserving. Analyze what he did. He was a nice guy, but doing things – he did nothing. Clay was clearly better. Here’s what was not shown on TV. Trump asked the entire cast who they thought should win and they said Clay. Arsenio is a nice guy, but who was more deserving? Clay.
It’s always nice to know that Clay was admired by the cast. Why, Donald, Why!! You can read the entire interview with Dee at WORCESTER
Will you be watching Celebrity Apprentice or are you just saying NO?
Great to see the Clay mentions. Clay really should have won, I doubt I will watch CA since I really just watched for Clay but maybe I will if someone good is on.
Just saying NO!
Question: Will you be watching Celebrity Apprentice or are you just saying NO? Are you kidding me?
Absolutely, the answer is NO! Clay was clearly cheated out of the winning title.
Nope, not me either…I never watched it until Clay was on it. He certainly WAS robbed and it's so nice to see all these sites say the same thing. Sounds like our new friend Dee is on the show too, and soon we shall find out for sure on the Today Show later. Sorry Dee, but I still won't be watching
Lots of Information today Musicfan…thank you.
Celebrity Apprentice???? I watched "The Today" show, and almost choked when Donald Trump said that he is always fair?? Really???? We all know who should have won CApp last year. Even the cast agreed that Clay should have. Not cool Donald. I couldn't care less about this show now. It's obviously fixed, and I'm sure the winner has been decided. It's whomever has something going on, that will be getting promotion, and then Donald will ride the tide. Wash my back…I'll wash yours… I'm more surprised at Penn. I thought he was smarter than that. Even if he loses, his LV casino will pitch in the money, so he wins no matter what. (or I should say, his charity wins, which is what it is suppose to be all about anyways)
If Clay was on the show i would watch, but otherwise NO! I'm still sooooo disappointed that Clay did not win, he so deserved it, i really don't understand what it takes to win on this show, I thought Clay had it all, I think Trump is homophobic, that's the only reason I can think of.
Such a sweet, sweet, Baby – that Parker!!! Absolutely NO to Celebrity Apprentice!!!
So nice of Dee to be there for Clay!
The CApp show will not be on my TV viewing radar this year. I do not consider outrageous nastiness nor outright deceit to be relaxing and enjoyable entertainment. Last year's show and it's finale ended up being a truly unbelievable farce and sham. I am convinced that a general consensus remains that Clay should have been named the winner of CApp12, even if only because he actually performed as the best contestant.
Thanks musicfan for posting a couple of the many remarks from others which point out Clay's outstanding participation and game on play throughout the show.
Without Clay on the show, I would say N O and N E V E R.
I wonder who was already picked as the winner ?
it was so nice of dee to be there for clay and a big NO to celiberity aprentice im stil angry that clay didnt win and he should have one dee is right and im right clay aiken was robbed again clay aiken son parker hes such a sweet sweet baby
Would hate to have to watch that terrible Trump show again but if Clay was on it. ? I wouldn't want to sit through that torture again but would have to support Clay. Hate Trump & his animal killing sons
I love seeing all the news items that show that Clay should have won.
Will I watch Celebrity Apprentice? ABSOLUTELY NO!!!
I am so disappointed that Dee and Penn are on the show again. They both know the show is rigged and were very vocal about it. My opinion of both of them has really dropped…AND…it can't be because of money…they are both millionaires.
Thanks for finding all the info and posting it!
Clay deserves whatever he desires. Trump however does not deserve Clays attention. I think Trump held it against Clay that hes friends with Rosie.Clay should have his own show called Celebrity Angels.and that tweet about herding cats was the funniest.YOUR ADORING FAN FOREVER!!!
Aw! That picture of Clay and his darling little son Parker is so awesome. You can just see the love in Clay's eyes. So adorable.
I only watched Capp because Clay was on it. Never watched before and will never watch again. Clay certainly was the winner last Season and deserved to win. The show is fixed right from the start..wonder who they picked already for this Season?