It is Monday…the beginning of another work week…
but, more important, the beginning of more exciting news about
Clay Aiken!
I don’t know about you, but I am still thinking about Clay’s beautiful blog that he posted on Sunday night.
Thank you, Clay, for this incredible blog!
It is wonderful to hear someone tell you that he loves you and hopes to make you proud.
The following is a short article about Clay Aiken.
The Social Spitball Show – How a North Carolina Singing Celebrity is Taking Down A Tea Party Congresswoman
Today at lunch a fan/voter recognized Clay Aiken and came over to the table to say hello. After they talked, Clay didn’t have any cards, so he took a napkin–wrote his cell phone number on it and said, ‘here–if you ever need me here’s my number.” Folks, I’ve been around NC politics a long time–I’ve never even heard of a candidate doing anything close to that. Say what you want, Clay Aiken knows NC politics. He’s humble and he really does care about the people in the NC-02 Congressional District. Anyway, enough said about all that. If you want to hear this story from the horses mouth…listen to our show Sunday night on The Social Spitball Show. Click the link
This site interviewed Houston Barnes, a young man who stepped down from running for Congress to support Clay Aiken. The interview with Mr Barnes is excellent, however, it does come after almost a 1/2 hour into the recording. He talks about Clay and why he supports him. If you want to hear the interview, you can click on the link at SPITBALL
The following screencaps are from
the Tar Heel Teachers Interview!
Did you read Clay’s Blog?
What did you think?
Don’t forget to stop by tomorrow.
We are hoping to get some news about Clay today
when the State Board of Elections opens its books for the first day of 2014 candidate filing.
As always, we will post the news as soon as we can!
Oh yes! I read his blog as soon as I saw the glorious words "HE BLOGGED"! I ended up sobbing through the middle of it. He really loves us and hope he makes us proud of him. OMG! Love him!
Yes, Definitely read Clay's Blog. He is such a caring and compassionate man. We have been so blessed these past 11 years. We have been able to watch Clay go from a young man finding out who he was, to this incredible grown up man, who wants to help people without a voice. CLAY IS THE REAL DEAL. I watch some of the singers today, and the antics they are up to. Too much money, getting in trouble, drugs, you name it…then there is Clay. He really never did ever fit into that mold. THANK GOD!!! He is his own man, and NC should be honoured to have such a man representing them. I wish Clay all the happiness and success in his new venture. I have always been proud of Clay, and I always will. I will be watching him.
aw… I LOVE CLAY, and prouder than ever. GO GET 'EM Clay! Do what you have to do. We've got your back.
Ditto Clayitagain!