Clay Aiken – A Busy Day!

It looks like a busy day for Clay Aiken.  He is at the West Chatham Senior Center helping out and chatting with the lovely people!

clayfornc We have 2 people with birthdays here at the senior center!

West Chatham Senior Center Serving lunch to some great folks in Siler City!

Keep checking back…I will post more pictures as they become available!

There is a new interview with Clay!!

The Randolph GuideClay Aiken Dazzles At Di’lishi

Clay Aiken’s appearance here recently seemed as much a fan tour as a campaign stop.

The former American Idol contestant and current Democratic candidate for the Second Congressional District was at Di’lishi Frozen Yogurt Bar to meet people and have his picture made with them. Some talked politics while others just seemed to want to see and touch him.

Marlo Francis, owner of Di’lishi, said the event was the result of a friendship between Aiken and Lane Ragsdale, who works at the N.C. Zoo.

“Clay’s PR person asked me about visiting the Zoo,” said Ragsdale, who added that Aiken’s Zoo visit initiated a friendship between the two. “I’m honored by his friendship,” Ragsdale said. “I’m glad he’s able to come through today.”

Ragsdale said Aiken’s campaign business manager contacted him about Thursday’s stop. Di’lishi was chosen since Aiken had patronized the yogurt bar while visiting the Zoo.

After about 40 minutes of pressing the flesh and posing for photos, Aiken sat down with this reporter to answer questions about his campaign. First, why did he decide to run?

“It’s got to the point that’s so frustrating to me that nobody (in Washington) is talking to each other,” he said. “Nobody is willing to compromise.”

Aiken said he’d visited with Congressmen in the Capitol who wouldn’t speak to colleagues of the other party who were in the room. He said he thinks that with his public profile he can help change the situation.

Gridlock in Congress, Aiken said, has made the public apathetic. “We can get them to pay attention to this election,” he said. “We have to hold our representatives accountable.”

As for issues, Aiken listed unemployment, particularly among veterans.

“The unemployment rate in North Carolina is still too high,” he said. “We need to address jobs going overseas and try to stop the flow offshore. We need training for new types of jobs.”

Aiken said his brother is a Marine veteran and has had a difficult time finding work. He said unemployment among vets is four points higher than the general population. “That’s embarrassing.”

Then he brought the conversation back to the situation in Congress: “People are not willing to sit down and talk across the aisle,” Aiken said. “How do you work with somebody and not even be friendly? Find a way to work together.”

Asked about Keith Crisco of Asheboro, his opponent in the Democratic primary, Aiken said, “He has an incredible record as a lifelong public servant. I appreciate what he’s done. But it’s time for a change.”

Aiken said he hopes to “put energy into” the race … and get people to pay attention.”

By Larry Penkava, Editor The Randolph Guide   Be sure and visit the site to support the site and the writer.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

2 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Busy Day!

  1. As we have observed Clay through the years, we have learned that he identifies with people of all ages, nationalities, and positions in life. He treasures each individual he meets and truly cares about his or her well-being. Giving is an intrinsic part of his nature. We are desperate for people in Congress who are NOT oblivious to the plight of so many in our population. Let's continue to support Clay in every way we can. Make "I Will Carry You" your motto!!!!

  2. heart aiken i couldnt have said it better my self you hit the nail righton the head i agree hole heartedley about what you have said and i also say lets all continue to sapport clay in every way that we can and make i will cary you your motto

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