Clay Aiken – Speaking About Education, Careers, And Government

It’s Saturday!  Are you having fun yet?

Well, Clay Aiken warned us Thursday night.  He tweeted that he would have a day full of events in Randolph and Chatham counties.  And, by seeing all the great pictures and reading all the interesting messages, it seems that Clay had a very busy Friday!

Clay spent some time at South Asheboro Middle School.  He had the opportunity to speak with educators…

…and took the time to speak with the students about education, careers, and government.

Next, Clay made a visit to Eastern Randolph High School…no pictures, but some fun tweets:

Clay Aiken is at ERHS…… I walked right by him

I think me and @kr_coble7 seen a clone of @clayaiken or either he is really here at Eastern Randolph!!!!
Clay Aiken was just at our school
Y’all shoulda seen my face when I realized it was CLAY AIKEN off idol sitting in my civics class lolol
Why must Clay Aiken come to my school to only go to the social studies class and not chorus!!!
NEXT:  Clay traveled to the Sunset Theatre in Asheboro, NC.  He kicked off the Randolph County Senior Games! According to the City of Asheboro website:
Randolph County Senior Games is a health and wellness promotion and education program for adults age 50 and over (ages 50-54 not eligible to go to State Finals).  In addition to athletic events, Senior Games also offers Silver Arts, a program for artists and craftspeople.  With sports events ranging from horseshoes to a 5K run and art competitions including short stories, dancing and crocheting, the Randolph County Senior Games truly offers “Something for the Artist and Athlete in Everyone.”  While some participants are serious competitors, many are more interested in having fun, learning something new and making new friends.
What a fun way to meet lots of interested voters!


Clay and his team posted about a fundraising event that is open to the public:

Please join us for a reception honoring Clay Aiken,

candidate for US Congress in North Carolina’s Second District 


Tuesday, April 08, 2014 Time: 5:30 PM
The Home of Amb. Mark & Joan Erwin
907 Huntington Park Drive
Charlotte, NC

$2,600 Host | $1,000 Co-Host
$500 Sponsor | $250 Friend
$100 Individual Ticket

Ambassador Mark Erwin served as the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Mauritius, the Republic of the Seychelles and the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros from 1999-2001.

Over the years, Ambassador Erwin has been active in civic affairs and has served on the Boards of over 35 civic, charitable and educational organizations. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Business School of Winthrop University for several years and has guest lectured at many schools and universities. He received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Winthrop University in 1994.

This month, Ambassador Erwin is hosting a reception honoring Clay Aiken.  Sounds good to me!


Another event featuring Clay Aiken was also announced on Friday!

From – Serving Moore County, NC Local Democrats to Hold Convention April 12

The Moore County Democratic Party will hold its annual convention on Saturday, April 12, at the Moore County Agricultural Center at 707 Pinehurst Ave. in Carthage.

Registration will be at 9:30 a.m. and the convention will start at 10 a.m.

Delegates elected at last month’s precinct meetings will conduct a number of votes. Several resolutions from the precincts on diverse topics will also be considered.

Speaking at the convention will be Clay Aiken, Toni Morris and Keith Crisco, the three candidates vying in the U.S. House District 2 Democratic primary on May 6…

You can read the entire article at THEPILOT  

There are some other unconfirmed events that will be posted as soon as they are confirmed by Clay’s team.

I enjoy reading about all the wonderful events that involve Clay and his campaign for Congress.  Each event seems unique and important as he meets, greets, listens, and talks to the people of North Carolina.  I do miss hearing what he has to say and still look forward to a video of one of his speeches!

Congratulations to Clay and his team!  You are all making a difference!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

5 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Speaking About Education, Careers, And Government

  1. musicfan, I too would love to hear one of those speeches! He commands the stage no matter what he is doing on it! He is one busy man!

  2. Clay really does have an advantage due to his already being a household name. But I believe his sincere wish to meet, discuss, and take seriously what each individual considers his or her difficulty is even more beneficial. Clay is a keen listener and a true problem solver, two traits that should get him into Congress. I hope he will have the chance to prove himself in this arena.

  3. I love all the tweets and photos we're getting of Clay! Thanks for keeping us up to date every single day and all the work that you put into this.

    Anyone remember when that final photo of Clay was taken with his round wristwatch that we all searched out?

  4. music fan i also i too wold love to hear one of clays speaches he indeed comands the stage no mater what hes doing on it he sure is one busy amazing man

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