Clay Aiken – “We’ve Only Just Begun”

On Thursday, I was reminded of the Carpenter’s song, We’ve Only Just Begun.  Yes, it is from the 70’s and yes, it is a love song, but the title just ran through my head all day! And, so many lines fit the events of the day!

…Before the risin’ sun, we fly
So many roads to choose
We’ll start out walkin’ and learn to run
And yes, we’ve just begun…

…And when the evening comes, we smile
So much of life ahead
We’ll find a place where there’s room to grow
And yes, we’ve just begun!



Yes…It is the Beginning of

The 2014 General Election Campaign 

For The Office of

United States House of Representative District Two

Clay Aiken

On Thursday, Clay Aiken tweeted and posted a message on his Facebook account to announce the beginning of the General Election Campaign.


Clay for North Carolina
It’s official! Help us gear up for our general election campaign by contributing $10 today:

In an e-mail Clay said:

We got something exciting in the mail that we wanted to share with you. We get our fair share of mail, but when you get an official letter from the State Board of Elections stating your name will be on the general election ballot, everything becomes a little more real. And it signals that it’s time for the real work to begin. From now until November 4, we’re going to focus every day on holding Washington and Renee Ellmers accountable for their failed record and inability to work in the best interest of the people of the Second District.

It may just be a letter, but it’s clear – the road to November begins today. We’ve already begun to lay the groundwork for our general election campaign, and we’re ready to take on Washington in the fall. But we’re going to need your help…

…The road to November begins today. It won’t always be an easy one, but we’re prepared to put in the work.

Starting today, we need your help – and the financial resources to run a campaign that can overpower the special-interest money that will be poured into our district…

…Thanks for being part of our team. We couldn’t do this without you.



Clay included the following link to donate to his campaign. DONATE


So…if you are wondering how you can help, there are a few things you can do.

1.  If you live in the U.S. you can help by donating to Clay’s campaign.  Every dollar counts and $5.00 can make a difference.

2.  Try to keep the buzz about Clay going on all social networks.  Every positive tweet or mention helps…but remember, Clay is now in the political arena and that’s what we need to post about most of the time.

3.  If you live close by, try to attend a fundraising event.  It’s lots of fun and it shows support for Clay!  If you want info on the fundraising events, you can check with Clay’s team CLAYFORNORTHCAROLINA  or, ask here and we will try and get the information for you!

Remember, twitter is easy and you don’t have to share any personal info on the site.  If you need some help getting started, please ask.  We can help you get started!

So…We’ve Only Just Begun.

Every day, in every way I can, I will support Clay in his run for Congress.  Washington D.C. needs Clay and I hope that the people of the 2nd District of North Carolina get to know Clay and the way he wants to make a difference.

Filing Day

Primary Election Night

The Colbert Report

 Do you have a message of support for Clay?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

12 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – “We’ve Only Just Begun”

  1. I was so happy to get that email from Clay yesterday! Wish I lived in his district. But, will still support him in every way I can. He will be a breath of fresh air in Congress.

  2. How exciting that Clay finally received the "Official Letter" fromt he North Carolina State Board of Elections. I sense that Clay is ready and willing to get going on his campaign. I wish him all the best in his quest. Washington definitely needs more people like Clay there, who have the best interests of all the people in his district. I totally support Clay and his drive to "Make a Difference", as it has always been that way with Clay. He's such a good man. I will help with twitter, as I am not in the US. GO CLAY GO!!!!!!

  3. I can't wait to see what is up his sleeve! Loved getting my letter from Clay in the mail yesterday! Go Clay! Clay for Congress!!!

  4. Our New Jersey Pink Jacket Ladies Clay Aiken Fan Group are very interested in holding a fundraising event for Clay's campaign here. I would appreciate information on getting the ok to do this, and the rules to follow, so that we can plan the event, we usually have a "fan fest" every year, but would like to call it a "campaign fest" for Clay this year. We could raise some money by doing a silent auction, raffle baskets and asking for donations. There are a lot of fans that attend our events. Since we don't live in North Carolina, we'd like to help Clay win by doing this for him. Thanks for any help you can give us.

    Joan Haff

    732-525-2401. Cell – 732-266-7484

  5. Got my letter too!! I am so thrilled for him and can only continue to pray for his success. He's such a breath of fresh air and such a good hearted, caring man. Go Clay Go!

  6. Clay is an incredible man, and we sorely need men and women of his caliber in today’s corroded version of government. We have observed Clay’s ethics, knowledge, and dedication over the past eleven years in support of children with disabilities and in his bringing attention to children in crisis in other countries via UNICEF. Given the opportunity, Clay will certainly bring a new and positive atmosphere to a stalled and self-aggrandizing Congress.

  7. Congratulations Clay, so happy for you, we pray for your success in November! Way to go Clay for Congress! Thanks Musicfan xo

  8. It was exciting to get the email from Clay yesterday. I don't live in NC, but I can support his run for congress with a few $$. I've never look forward to November coming in any other year.

  9. I too got my email yesterday. Exciting!! I am so happy for him and very proud. of him and his team. I try to post a positive comment on all web sites. So hard to read to the negative comments on line (they give me heart palpitations). But every time I read a bad one I post at least two positive ones. I hope every one will ignore the haters and for every hateful comment try to post at least two. Onward Team Clay!!!

  10. clay congradulations imso happy for you i will pray for your sucsess in november way to go clay for congress thanks also music fan xxo

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