Clay Aiken – Signs, Farms, and Beautiful Music!


Another day…Another political adventure!

Every day is adventure filled with lots of excitement and even a bit of the unusual.  So, for Clay Aiken, his team and his supporters, Monday was a bit of this and a bit of that… posted an interesting bit of news… – Clay Aiken for Congress signs stolen in Lee County; man charged

by Nancy McCleary

A Sanford man was cited Friday for stealing election signs for congressional candidate Clay Aiken, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office said.

Jonathon Lee Gonia, 31, of Wayne’s Landing, was served with a criminal summons for removal of election or political signs, a Sheriff’s Office news release said.

Thursday evening, someone reported to the Lee County Democratic Party that they had seen a man remove Aiken’s signs at the intersection of Jefferson Davis and Center Church roads, the release said.

The witness gave a description that matched Gonia as well as the license tag of the vehicle he was driving, the Sheriff’s Office said.

The witness asked Gonia what he was doing. Gonia replied that he worked for the Democratic Party, and the signs were obstructing his view, the release said.

Gonia is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday.

Aiken is challenging Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers in U.S. House District 2.

You can check out the article at  SIGNS


The Randolph County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting was held on Monday at the AVS Banquet Centre, in Asheboro, NC.  Prior to the meeting, a Bipartisan Political Forum was hosted by the Women’s Committee at 5:30pm.

Clay Aiken was in attendance to share his political issues with the members.  Clay Aiken tweeted about the event.

Clay Aiken @ClayForNC · Farm Bureau forum in #RandolphCounty! #ncpol #nc02 (@ AVS Banquet Center in Asheboro, NC)


On October 1, 2014, Clay Aiken was honored and supported by the Broadway community. The event was held in the home of Philip Birsh, the CEO and Publisher of Playbill.

The highlight of the evening was wonderful songs by sung by Betty Buckley, Christine Ebersole, and Beth Leavel.

On Monday, Playbill posted a wonderful article about the event which included a video that highlighted all three singers, Clay Aiken and Jordan Roth, an active member of the Broadway community.

The article is three pages long and has s0me wonderful information.  The following are a few snippets from the article.

Playbill – “American Idol” Alum Clay Aiken Trades the Broadway Stage for the Political Stage

by Robert Simonson

On a recent weeknight, at a well-appointed townhouse on the Upper West Side, a political fund-raiser was held. There was a spread of food, a well-stocked open bar and — as if often the case at these small, well-heeled gatherings — entertainment.

Photo by Monica Simoes – Playbill

Milling about among the guests were the stage performers Betty Buckley,Christine EbersoleBeth Leavel andClay Aiken. The first three sang. Aiken did not. The other three sang for him. For it was his fundraiser.

Aiken, still best known to the public for his second-place finish in the second season of “American Idol,” is running for Congress. He is the Democrats’ candidate in the Second District of his home state of North Carolina…


Screencap by lindylo

…That Aiken was in New York gathering support for his run makes sense to anyone who knows his career. In 2008, he joined the Broadway cast of Spamalot. The New York theatre community never quite forgot him.  “I think it’s important to have support of people I care about and I’ve had a relationship with,” said Aiken. “The Broadway community is renowned for being very tight-knit and supportive of one another.”…

I hope you will visit Playbill and read the entire article.  It is wonderful.

You can find the article at PLAYBILL

According to the calendar from Team Clay, The Town Hall Bus Tour starts this evening.

Kick Off – 5:00pm – Matthews House in Cary, NC

Will you be there?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Signs, Farms, and Beautiful Music!

  1. Oh how I WISH I could be there musicfan!! Loved the video with those GREAT ladies singing to Clay. Did you see my friend msidolfan sitting on the couch? Can't wait to hear more details from her!! When oh when will we see a photo of the bus Clay will be on tonight?? Can't wait for that too! Hey, I don't want much, lol!

  2. I absolutely loved the Playbill video. He has been so busy, but nothing compared to the next 3 weeks. Take your vitamins and eat your wheaties Clay. Vote Clay for NC

  3. This is a great Playbill article. Its wonderful to see how many people love
    Clay and raise the money he needs to keep his campaign going. I can't help be think how proud his mom, Fay, must be of Clay.

  4. Love the video of the ladies singing to Clay, you can tell he's well loved by many, looking forward to seeing the campaigning bus!! Clay for Congress!!!!!!!
    Thanks Musicfan xox

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