Clay Aiken – Vote, Donate, Listen, And Smile!


Do you know the most listened-to news radio program in the United States?  It is NPR’s Morning Edition, a week-day, two hour show that takes its listeners around the world to hear all the news.

Since the show debuted in 1979, Morning Edition has garnered many top broadcasting honors, including the George Foster Peabody Award and the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award.

This is all good news for Clay Aiken.  Read the following tweet from Tamara Keith, at NPR Radio:

Dear Claymates: Thurs at 5:40 and 7:40 AM, you may want to tune in to for a story about (subject to change).

I look forward to hearing about Clay and his campaign!


Clay wrote two interesting posts on Wednesday:

Clay Aiken
It’s been 11 years since I was on the cover of Rolling Stone. I was a North Carolina kid who achieved a dream because of the people back home. And now I’m in the pages of Rolling Stone again, but for a very different reason. North Carolina isn’t being served the way it was even just 11 years ago. I’ll always do my best to serve our state and the Second District. I hope you’ll read the story, and I hope to earn your vote.

Followed by:

Thanks to Rolling Stone magazine for a headline that gets straight to the point. The people of the Second District deserve better than we’re getting right now. I’ll always do my best to serve the people back home, and I hope to earn your vote. Only 20 days left. Help us win this

What is the headline?  Clay Aiken Wants Your Vote Again


Paige Rentz is a writer for the Fayetteville Observer.  She posted the following information on twitter:

Paige Rentz @paigerentz
.@ClayForNC reports $355K raised in Q3; broke the $1 million mark since beginning campaign in February.

Just a bit later, the FEC posted the 3rd quarter report and it was an excellent report:

Clay Aiken

$355,000 raised.
$339,000 from individuals
$15,000 PAC
$339,000 Cash on Hand.

Renee Ellmers

$280,000 raised

$186,000 from PACs

Over $500,000 Cash on Hand.

It’s great news!  It looks like Clay raised more money than his opponent again this quarter and he has  now raised over $1 million… all in  just 8 months.


Clay wrote a nice report on his Facebook page today that reviewed his first full day on the bus!

Great first full day of the bus tour! Breakfast at Mrs. Wengers in Sanford, visited Chatham Trades, Inc. in Siler City, toured downtown Liberty with the mayor, got my first-ever straight razor shave at Marc’s Barber Shop, and hosted our first town hall in Asheboro. ‪#‎nc02‬

Breakfast at Mrs. Wengers in Sanford

Chatham Trades, Inc.

Straight razor shave at Marc’s Barber Shop

Town Hall Meeting in Asheboro

Judi Brinegar, a writer at the Courier-Tribune in Asheboro, NC wrote an excellent article about Clay’s Town Hall meeting in Asheboro Wednesday night.

Aiken holds town hall meeting

Democrat Clay Aiken made an appearance in Asheboro Wednesday night, the first in a series of town hall meetings he will attend in the few weeks remaining before the Nov. 4 election.

The tour will enable Aiken, who is running against Republican Renee Ellmers for a seat in Congress representing the Second District (including Randolph County), to spend more time in parts of the district that aren’t typically visited by candidates running for federal office.

Aiken held court at the historic Randolph County Courthouse in downtown Asheboro, sharing his platform and fielding questions from those in attendance.

“This is the very first day of the tour and the very first town hall meeting I’ve done,” he said. “I’m going to be very transparent. We might not agree, but I am going to be honest with you tonight.”

The rest of the article reports on the issues that Clay talked about at the meeting.  I hope you will take a moment and read the article at COURIERTRIBUNE 

Clay Aiken talks during a town hall event at the Old Courthouse


Yes…Wednesday was a great day for Clay Aiken!

Have you had a chance to donate to Clay’s campaign yet?


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Vote, Donate, Listen, And Smile!

  1. You did it again with great recap! Does this man ever sleep? Tamara Keith's article is up now on NPR. It's another day on the campaign trail theme with a cute video of part of the cheer at the high school football game & an account of Clay' handling a challenge from someone unlikely to vote for him. Check out @NPRPolitics on Twitter. The moment it went up, it was picked up in multiple media outlets. Love the way you bring everything together in one place! Great job!

  2. Clay is certainly a VERY busy man these days. I truly hope all the constituents of the 2nd district see what a hardworking, smart, articulate person they have to represent them in Congress. Vote Clay for NC!!!!
    Loved all the photos. Especially the one with the straight edge razor. Keep the momentum going Team Clay,
    Thanks Musicfan for all your hard work.

  3. Please please you North Carolinians, vote for Clay!!!!! It's the best thing that could happen to that state. I wish I could vote for him, but unfortunately, I live in Washington state.

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