Clay Aiken – From New York To San Francisco

When I first started writing on CANN in 2009, my biggest goal was to post positive news about Clay Aiken. We wanted a site where both fans and people who knew little about Clay could read about what he was doing.

I feel very proud of what we have done and excited to continue that goal.

That being said, I will be taking a short break at this time. As many of you know, my dear husband has recently been placed in Hospice Care. This is a time when I need to use my energy to make his days as wonderful as I can.

I also know that Clay is working with a fabulous team that is getting ready for his next project. This is a great opportunity to present Clay as he is today, not how he was on American Idol!! If our goal here is to support Clay, we need to be on the same page.

Of course, if there are big announcements, if appropriate, I will post them immediately. Again, we are not stopping CANN…we will just adapt to what is going on with Clay’s career. I was pleased that we were able to adjust to “Political Clay” and we will adjust again when we return in a few weeks.

My biggest fear is that you will all cancel your memberships and forget all about us. That would make me very sad!! CANN is not going away and we still intend to have lots of fun. We will continue to look back at the important events in Clay’s career and forward to all the wonderful things in his future.

And…we will support Clay as he continues his career.

I am already getting excited!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

59 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – From New York To San Francisco

  1. Music fan….I can't imagine that anyone will leave while you are taking a short break. Be sure and take care and know that many are sending loving thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

    Personally, I will miss waking to your post about Clay. I have no idea what his next project is, but I am sure it will be great.

    Take care and I am not going anywhere.

  2. Take care Musicfan, we will be right here waiting… and a big Thank You for eveything. See you soon! Hugs!

  3. I will definitely miss your daily post Martha. It has been a part of my daily routine waking up every morning to read your post before I go to work and checking in again at night before I go to bed. I have learned so much not only about Clay but all the other trivias you shared with us and I will be forever thankful for all of that.

    Take care and do what you have to do. Rest assured I will not go anywhere too and will be waiting for you… 🙂

  4. Prayers go with you and your beloved husband. You've always done an outstanding job posting news about Clay's career, notable performances and just plain sweet memories. We understand that this special family time must take precedence over everything. Hugs and best wishes – and my continued loyalty and gratitude for your dedication and the wonderful gifts you' give us. Blessings always.

  5. We won't desert you, look forward to your news every single night. Prayers for your husband and we'll be thinking of you.

  6. I am sure we all understand your priorities and will wait patiently with you both in our prayers. Thanks for all you have done and will continue to do.

  7. Thank you for all you do for us. At this time, you need to take care of yourself and your husband, so please know we will be thinking of you and waiting right here when you return.

  8. Not going anywhere. I know Clay really appreciates hou. How many people would stick with someone this long? You are special to Clay and to his fans.

  9. My prayers & good thoughts go out to you and your husband at this difficult time. We will be right here waiting for any news you have time to share with us. God bless you both.

  10. I agree with Jeremy. No one will abandon YOU or CANN. My heartfelt thanks for all the hard work you put into this site. Also I will be praying for you & your family. Please make sure to take care of yourself. God Bless You!

  11. I understand Musicfan. You have brightened my mornings with your blog since I first joined almost every day. I will be thinking of and praying for you in your absence, but in the famous words of our Clay, "I'll Be Right Here Waiting For You." God Bless You until we meet again .

  12. Martha? I will be here, not going anywhere! My heart goes out to you and your family and I'm so sorry you are going through this difficult time. Take care and you come back when you are ready. xoxoxo hugs….Gay

  13. Musicfan, my thoughts are with you and your family. I'm not going anywhere. Excited for the next chapter on our adventure following Clay!

  14. I for one, am not going away from one the best Clay websites. I always enjoyed waking up to one of your many stories and videos; they made my day. I will miss you, but you need to be with your love one in his time of need. Know that I will always be here when you come back! Take care and be the strong person, I know you are. Thanks from one of your loving fan!

  15. {{{Musicfan}}}} , please take the time you need knowing our thoughts are with you and your husband. Do not fear that you will lose subscribers. Your blogs and the love and respect you have for Clay Aiken have become an important part of my day. Patiently awaiting your return.

  16. Best wishes to you and your husband. I may not post often but I enjoy reading your blog. Hospice does great work. May your husband enjoy his days with you and your family.

  17. Supporting him and staying with you as I did for years. Greatful for beeing a part of such a loving and caring "family". Take care, xo from Hungary. Detti

  18. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on the latest news, I'm not going anywhere. I look forward to your post everyday. Huge hugs to you and your family!

  19. There is no doubt that your dear husband is your priority, I hope in the coming days that you are able to spend all the time with him that you both need. The road will be difficult, but I wish you both peace. You will not lose your fans, as you have done such an amazing job over the years for another very special guy. Sending many prayers your way, Martha. Hugs to you both, Georgene

  20. Musicfan, you are as much a part of our day as getting up in the morning and going to bed at night! Could we ever forget to do that? Never! And we will not forget you!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I will "right here waiting" for your return. Take care and know that you are loved, even by those of us who have never met you!! 3

  21. Thoughts and prayers go out from my heart to you and your husband. I, too, will be right here waiting, and hop0ing and praying <3

  22. Thinking of you and your husband and family at this difficult time. I hope it gives you some comfort to know that others care.

  23. Martha, we will all be here waiting. My prayers go out for you and your husband, and I certainly understand your need to be with him at this time. I'll be missing waking up to CANN each morning and have been very appreciative of the all the effort that goes into preparing the newsletter for us to enjoy. I'm not going anywhere and will just be happy when you're again able to return to it.

  24. Musicfan;
    Thank you for the years of Clay Aiken news and fun blog that you have put your energy and research into.
    You take as much time as you need to be with your DH and family…my prayers are with you.

  25. Thank you Martha for all of the amazing things you have done for us.

    CANN is the best Clay information blog ever!

    Prayers and love to your husband, you and your family.

  26. Take care, MusicFan. Sending prayers to you and your family at this difficult time. Will be here when you return.

  27. My Prayers to you, and your Hubby and Family. I am not going anywhere, been here from the beginning. I have always appreciated everything you do for the Fandom. Huggs and I do understand how hard this time is.

  28. We wish you and your dear hubby all the best, we will be here each time you are but for now family must come first. God Bless. Margaret, Northern Ireland.

  29. take care musicfan, you are needed at home right now..we will miss your blogs but we totally understand. thoughts are with you.

  30. I'm so sorry that your husband is entering hospice care. However, hospice has helped so many people, and I hope that you and your family will benefit from these services. Sending caring thoughts!

  31. I'm not going anywhere,
    Please know that you and your dear husband and family are in my thoughts and prayers at this time.
    Thank you so much for all that you do.

  32. I look forward to reading your posts everyday. Like many of your fans I too will be right here waiting. So sorry to hear your husband is so ill. Hospice is such a wonderful organization. Am sending an little extra love your way.

  33. I'll be here when you are able to post anything about our dear Clay. My heart and prayers go out to you,your husband and family at this most heart wrenching difficult time. I have so enjoyed your posts over the years keeping us up to date on all things Clay. Also all the details and information about the people and places he has come in contact with whether it be entertainer Clay,activist Clay,Humanitarian Clay or political Clay. You have been a big reason for me seeking out a message board to join and FB pages. If it had been just the traditional media I doubt very much that I would have done that. So I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

  34. Prayers going to you and your husband and family at this time….

    I’m not going anywhere, and we totally understand…Please take care!

    Love and Hugs,


  35. Musicfan,

    You & hubby are in my thoughts & prayers right now!!! Even though you will be "Invisible" for awhile, I know that I will be "Right Here Waiting" for you to come back & post!!! I hope that your hubby recovers quickly from whatever it is & will be back to good health before long!!! Thanks as always for blogging about Clay!! #TeamMusicFan123Forever!!! #TeamClayForever!!!! We love you, Musicfan & Clay!!! Come back soon!!!!

  36. Wanted to add this for you, Musicfan123 & that is the Serenity Prayer that we used to open & close each of our Emotions Anonymous Meetings with… "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference!" Again, we love you & are praying for you!

  37. I am very sorry to hear about your husband, but family always comes first. I am certain no one will be departing from this website. My mother is currently under Hospice Care, and I fully understand your need for being away. Thank you for your faithfulness in providing us with daily news about Clay or inviting us to revisit our favorite Clay moments. Please take care of yourself and allow time for rest! Love and prayers are with you.

  38. Musicfan, so very sorry to hear about your husband. Your are in my prayers. You did a wonderful job and we look forward to having you back. I know I'll never stop reading about Clay and his new adventures. Take care of yourself too.

  39. A big Clay kind of hug to you as you navigate this storm in your life. Know we miss you at clunch and hold you in our thoughts.

  40. Musicfan, very sorry to hear about your husband. You & your family will be in my thoughts & prayers. No going anywhere!

  41. Please take care of your Husband. This must be a difficult time for you and your family. We will not go away. Love and Prayers to you!

  42. Take care Musicfan. You will not be forgotten. Take care of your husband. We will be here for you when you return.

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