Clay Aiken – Always An American Idol!

On Monday,  social media posted some information about Clay Aiken.  This time, it was Instagram!

templetalktvDid you #know that we were at the #americanidol #auditions and talked with #clayaiken ? 🎶 Tune in tomorrow at 1pm on @temple_tv to see what he said!

So…today…at 1pm, it looks like we might get to see what Clay had to say.  The following seems to be the site TUTV


Do you ever wonder what you would be doing if Clay Aiken had not appeared on American Idol?  It’s hard to imagine.

Fortunately, we have lots of pictures of Clay on American Idol!!  Check these out!!



Season 2 – Finale Red Carpet

Commercial- Season 2

Returning to Sing Solitaire in season 3

Stole the show in Season 5 finale!

2013 Return -Rehearsal

2013 Return – Show!

I hope we will get to see a lot of Clay Aiken this season of American Idol.  He is still a top star from the show!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Always An American Idol!

  1. I will always be grateful to AI for giving Clay a platform. Can’t wait to see what they show this season.

  2. Oh indeed he still IS the top star of this show. I am hoping for lots of fun interviews with this last season on American Idol! Bring it on Clay!!!

  3. Clay is the American Idol, without a doubt! Not only with his glorious voice, but with his dynamic personality! Clay represents what an American Idol is: having a positive attitude towards any situation. One can see it with his tours, his TV interviews and with his charitable work!

  4. I watched TUTV @ 1:00, but did not see Clay. Maybe I was on the wrong site, or maybe they will show it another time. Thanks for all the great photos of Clay today.

    • Sorry you didn't see it. I watched and he came on after about 20 minutes. e looked good but there was noting new that he said.

  5. clay aiken is the americian idol and my americian idol with out question with his amazing voice and range i thank americian idol for giving clay a chance to be a contestent and sing if it were not for americian idol thered be no clay or rubin or adam

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