Clay Aiken – Be Bold on Salon Talks

Wednesday, August 17, was a fun day for those who follow Clay Aiken.  It all started with a couple of tweets!

What Does @clayaiken Think About #BernieOrBust & #Hillary v #Trump Debates?


Bold wrote:

What Does Clay Aiken Think About #BernieOrBust and Hillary vs. Trump Debates?

Joining us on FB Live at noon tomorrow for Salon Talks is Clay Aiken, politician and former American Idol singer. We’ll get Clay’s take on whether #BernieOrBust could be the Achilles heel for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. We’ll also discuss whether any future email dump could be potentially harmful to Clinton’s campaign.

We’ll also chat about whether Donald Trump reviving his outsider status will help him ride the combative populist wave he helped create. And we’ll ask Clay for some behind-the-scenes advice as a former Apprentice star himself: what advice would you give Clinton to prep for the debates against Trump?

And finally, since Clay ran for Congress in North Carolina, we’ll ask him: what are Trump’s chances in North Carolina this year, or is this just Blue territory for 2016?

Watch us live at noon tomorrow here!

This is not the first time that Clay has been on Bold.  He was a guest on the show last February.

Carrie Sheffield launched the media site, Bold, in December, 2015.  According to there website:

Bold is a viral news & cultural platform for a diverse coalition centered on ideals of personal responsibility and sustainable capitalism. We empower individuals and communities to produce innovative editorial content with positive social impact.

Whatever your political leaning, I hope you will visit Bold. It has many articles about many different topics. And, they have interesting guests on their show, Salon Talks. Give it a look. If you would like to visit the site, click on BOLD  

The following are some screenshots of Clay’s visit in February.


On Wednesday, there was another interesting tweet:

Another #TrumpShakeUp & insight from our guests: @Johnny_Joey, Singer @ClayAiken, Commentary’s @NoahCRothman & Screenwriter @massawyrm!

And then…

My weekly chat with @MeghanMcCain is coming up in the next hour of @americanowradio

Yes…Clay was on the radio with Meghan McCain on Wednesday evening.

As always, Clay and Meghan had an interesting conversation during the second hour of the show.  They had a lot to say about the shake-up in Donald Trump’s election committee.

Clay stated that he thought Trump was pivoting back to the style of the primary election and they both thought that the Trump team would double down on the vitriol.

It is always interesting to listen to Clay talk about politics.  He certainly  is knowledgable and seems to enjoy a good conversation.

The conversation can be heard now at  Make sure you click on the 8-17-16 episode.

It is great to hear Clay and hopefully, now that he is back in NY, he will send out some of his great tweets.  It’s certainly a good way to introduce a good conversation.

I hope you will share your thoughts on Clay’s visit to Salon Talks at Bold.

Click HERE to see the show! (at Noon – Eastern, 9AM – West)

 It is always fun to hear what other think!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

1 thought on “Clay Aiken – Be Bold on Salon Talks

  1. I always enjoy Clay's views on the political scene! Politics is difficult to understand, but he talks clear and precise about what's going on in this crazy race! Thanks CANN!

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