Clay Aiken – This And That!

01-21-17March Banner

Los Angeles, California

WOW!!  There has been so much in the news the last couple of days.  We have a new president of the United States and we have millions who marched on Saturday for Woman’s rights.  Oh, yes…add to that The U.S. Figure Skating Nationals. Whatever your political leaning, that is a lot of news!

Clay Aiken has been busy on social media.  He seems to be watching the news carefully!

Clay has changed the banners on both his twitter and FaceBook pages more than once in the last few days.  The following is a new post and picture on Clay’s Facebook.


Not against anything! FOR the rights of and respect and equality of women in America and everywhere. Thank a woman today! You wouldn’t be here without one.


The Chicago Times published an article about Reality TV stars and their chances of becoming President!  They mentioned Clay in their article.

If ‘The Apprentice’ helped make Trump president, which reality star could be next?

by Steve Johnson

….“American Idol”: This is a decent crucible for the presidency…

…But I kind of like Clay Aiken in this one. He’s already run for U.S. Congress and says he might do it again, and a Democratic gay dad from a red state — and one who can sing at his own inauguration — might be just the uniter America needs. Presidential chances: Medium strong.

To read the entire article, visit CHICAGOTIMES


You never really know what you will find on twitter.  The following tweet is fun and worth a mention. Thanks, beedawn for finding this tweet.

Proud protestor and #claymate! Today was amazing. So much power, love and support. I hope he heard us, cause this was history. #WomensMarchWomensMarch.png


Do any of you know this young lady??


And…a final bit of news…

Congratulations to

Karen Chen,

the 2017 Ladies U.S. Figure Skating Champion!

And… she is from the San Francisco Bay area!!


Have a wonderful Sunday and lets hope for some news from Clay!

Tweets are fun too!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – This And That!

  1. First of all, I'm very proud of all women who marched; what a glorious day! Second, I would vote for Clay for president!

  2. I think the serious women marchers do themselves a disservice when they have such foul mouthed anarchists like madonna to be their mouth piece. Why do they let such publicity seekers supposedly speak for them? Hollywood voices are not the only ones people will listen to. Has Clay voiced an opinion on this? Haven’t kept up with the sites due to illness. Missed the whole ice skating event unfortunately. I’m sure it was wonderful. ❤️ Unconditional love for you Clay. Stay well!

  3. thanks to all the woman who have marched and yes i would vote for clay for presadint but we have presadint trump now

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