To Be Loved, be lovable.
On Monday, Allison Glock posted the following message and comment on Twitter.

Old home week with the ageless @clayaiken & @RealTCooper
Do you remember Allison? She helped Clay write his New York Times Best Selling book, Learning To Sing: Hearing The Music In Your Life.
But Allison has written two other articles about Clay that you might remember. Think back to September, 2003… Elle Magazine featured a three – page article on Clay Aiken. Allison was the writer who gave the readers a look into the “rising star”, Clay Aiken.
In November of 2014, Allison wrote a featured article about Clay and his campaign for the House of Representative in District 2 of North Carolina. It was an 8 page feature in Esquire Magazine. It was an interesting article written by Allison and the photos by Matthew Salacuse were great too.
Allison is an amazing lady. According to her biography, Allison has been a successful magazine journalist almost for 25 years. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Food & Wine, Elle, O: The Oprah Magazine, Men’s Journal, Marie Claire, GQ, The New Yorker, and many other publications.
Thanks, Allison, for posting the tweet and picture. I hope you all had a great time together!
So, one more day before Valentine’s Day!
We have to watch and listen to a Clay Aiken love song!!
Thank you, CANN for the pictures of OMC! And also the beautiful song "Without You".
Great way to begin 'fat Tuesday' listening to Clay singing his heart out instead of me eating donuts.
what a great way to begin donut day and hearing clay singing instead of me having to eat donuts
Hi, I would love to ask Clay to consider paring up with Ruben on his tour. I know they are great friends and believe me I would go to any venue if Clay and his awesome voice shared the stage!!!!!!!!!!