Clay Aiken – Broadway To Politicon!

Hello From Sunny Los Angeles

After a long day of plane delays, I made it to The LA Convention Center to have a wonderful two days of Political fun!  I look forward to hearing and meeting so many political pundits, comedians, News correspondents and people like me who sit back and enjoy it all.

My iPhone kept me updated on the news about Clay and his Christmas show on Broadway, but I was unable to work on a post for CANN.  So…this will be somewhat short today.

I liked seeing an article from Billboard:

American Idol Alumni Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard Prepping Holiday Broadway Show

You can see the article at

I also liked that Clay tweeted another message about the show.  Check it out and don’t forget to “like” it.

There is also a new video on the Ruben and Clay Facebook page.  I hope you will like it and follow the site too.

So…no pictures for this post. Sorry, but working on a phone is not so fun!

On Saturday, I will see lots of fun people and, of course, will see Clay too.  I will try to get some pictures and news about the day.

Have a fabulous Saturday!!!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

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