Clay Aiken – Weekend Fun!

France celebrates Bastille Day on July 14. Bastille Day is the equivalent of America’s July 4th. It is celebrated across France. Celebrations include fireworks, parades, and Fireman’s Galas, in which firehouses across France open their doors to the public for a night of partying.

Bastille Day remembers the end of the French monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution.

The flag of France has three colors; Blue, white and red. They symbolize the Republic’s three ideals: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for all French citizens.

So…to all our French readers, we wish you a wonderful holiday.


On July 14, 2004, Clay Aiken was a guest on CBS for their Summer Concert Series which is part of the Early Show.  Clay’s performance was originally scheduled for  July 7th, but had to be re-scheduled.  Clay was doing the rounds of the talk shows in preparation of his “Not-A-Tour” that started in July.

The studio was crowded and there were more fans there than could make it in to see the concert.  Hosted by Rene Syler, the interview before the concert was animated and interesting.  Much of the conversation was about the impact of Clay’s success on his life.

“It’s like a whirlwind dream,” Clay told Rene.  “It’s fun, you know.  Every day’s different.  Every day’s new and I’m excited all the time.”


Rene asked Clay about his biggest fan and he said it was his mother.  Clay said of his mother:

“I think she always thought I’d do this, more so than I did.  I think she dreamed this for me before I did.  She would probably say that she knew this all along.  So it’s just, for her, I think it’s just what she always expected.  For me, it’s great to have her be able to be a part of it and to make her proud.”

Clay revealed in the interview that he was busy recording a holiday-themed CD that was to be released the following holiday season.  He also was a spokesperson and reader for Stories for Heros, a series of classic children’s stories on CD.  A majority of the proceeds from the sale of the audiobook benefited The Bubel/Aiken Foundation.

For the mini-concert, Clay sang “I Will Carry You”, “Invisible” and “The Way.”  The audience was excited and supportive and the entire program was a great success.

I hope you enjoy this fun video!  It sure looks like Clay was having lots of fun!

This was many years ago…Do you remember this concert?


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Weekend Fun!

  1. Yes, I did watch this and it is still amazing to hear just how great Clay’s voice was and is! Enjoy remembering all of these exciting and fun times!

    Looking forward to hearing him sing at the Gala!

  2. Yes I enjoy Clay singing I went to many of his concerts and every single one of them was fantastic. Clay has such a wonderful voice. Thanks for sharing this

  3. I missed this concert because I was still working back in those days. Didn't have a way to record programs on TV. This video was a pleasant surprise for me. Thanks.

  4. yes I also enjoy clay singing I went to some of clays conserts and everysingle one of them was indeed amazing clay has such a amazing voice and I thank you for shareing this

  5. Thank you for the pictures and the video. I love the pictures and the video. Thank you CANN.

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