Tuesday was a busy and important day for Clay Aiken. He spent the day in town of Sanford, North Carolina. It was Clay Day in Lee County and Sanford is the county seat.
Trivia: Did you know that Sanford is known throughout North Carolina as the direct center of the state.
Thank goodness for social media that helped spread the word about the day. Most of the information came from twitter and Facebook.
The day started with a tweet from Team Clay:
Clay Aiken @ClayForNC
Great to meet with #SanfordNC Mayor @tcmann3 and talk economic development in Sanford and Lee County. (TC: Next time, tweet a picture, please???)
According to reports, Clay visited with many of the store owners in Sanford. He had a few “selfies” taken:
Team Clay posted one more tweet:
Clay Aiken @ClayForNC
Talking issues with folks in #SanfordNC. Great way to end a day in #LeeCounty.
Then Team Clay updated their Facebook page with the following message:
Great day in Sanford. Talked economic development with Mayor Chet Mann, met with folks at the Lee County Democratic Party headquarters to discuss some of the important issues facing the Second District, and got to grab a bite at the The Fairview Dairy Bar!
Chris V. Rey, the mayor of Spring Lake commented:
Mayor Chris V. Rey Great time tonight….Just proud you are our candidate.
Sometime during the day, Clay met with Will Doran from The Sanford Herald. They had an extensive conversation about Clay’s political goals and discussed the points that are important to him. It was published on the Sanford Herald website in the evening.
The Sanford Herald – Aiken Outlines Congressional Aspirations
Congressional candidate Clay Aiken stopped by Sanford on Tuesday, meeting with Mayor Chet Mann and Democratic Party volunteers and having lunch at the Fairview Dairy Bar.
Aiken has two siblings, Jeff and Amy Parker, who graduated from Lee Senior High School in the late ’80s and early ’90s, although Aiken himself grew up in Raleigh. He had a short career in special education, both as an assistant to an autistic child and a substitute teacher for special education classes, before finding fame through the reality television show “American Idol.”…
Wesley Beeson | The Sanford Herald Clay Aiken, the Democratic candidate for the 2nd North Carolina Congressional District, stopped in Sanford Tuesday to meet with local officials.
… Aiken said education is the issue nearest and dearest to his heart, and he’d like to see changes at both the state and federal levels.
Aiken said he is opposed to efforts to standardize education through testing and performance-based pay tied to test results, and that he would like to see a federal version of the Teaching Fellows program that North Carolina recently discontinued…
…He also said he would support efforts to help low-income families, including raising the minimum wage or reforming the Earned Income Tax Credit program, which supports low-income working families. Aiken said he favors expanding the program and extending benefits to people without children. He said it incentivizes work over unemployment by only aiding people who have an income.
The entire article is excellent and you can read the full article at SANFORDHERALD While you are there, why not leave a comment, thanking the writer for the article. All writers enjoy getting comments. It’s a way of thanking them. (Be sure and read the second paragraph carefully…the writer only talked about the siblings who graduated from Lee Senior High School.)
I hope Clay Day was a fun day for Clay and that he felt he was able to reach out to many people. It is always fun to watch as Clay works each day in Congressional District 2. He seems dedicated, knowledgeable, articulate and ready to reach out to those who will listen.
Thanks for your patience on Tuesday. I thought we might get news throughout the day, but everything seemed to show up late in the day. I am just glad that we get so much interesting news and pictures!
If Team Clay makes shirts, mugs, pens, etc. with the Campaign Logo, would you likely buy something?