The following is a list of different reviews of American Idol on Thursday night.
The Claymates were in full force last night on American Idol Season 12, as Clay Aiken made his way back to the American Idol stage and fans that have not tuned into Idol in years were back watching to see their Idol Clay Aiken perform “Bridge Over Troubled Water” during the American Idol 2013 results show last night…
Clay came out last night (along with a performance from Fantasia Barrino) and performed the song that won him over even more fans during his season, in which he lost to Ruben Studdard. The video before his performance and showing everything that he has done since his time on American Idol was pretty remarkable and shows how great a guy Clay really is.
He took the spotlight of being on the show and used it to benefit others and helps children with disabilities. Bravo to him! Also, bravo to him for looking good last night. It looks like Clay Aiken has lost some weight and he had it going on last night during his “Bridge Over Troubled Water” performance.
…Season two runner-up Clay Aiken also made an appearance, revisiting one of his top performances during his tenure on the show, Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Though Aiken has been quiet musically in recent years, the performance reasserted his standing as one of the show’s all-time best male vocalists…
…For the last few weeks, Idol has had their past winners and runner-ups making the rounds during the results shows. On Thursday, both Clay Aiken and Fantasia Barrino returned to the stage. Unlike some of the past homecomings, Mr. Aiken didn’t talk so much about his personal successes post-Idol, instead, he focused on the good he’s been able to do from the platform that Idol provided him with. In addition to starting the National Inclusion Project, Clay also became an ambassador for Unicef, traveling to Somalia,Afghanistan, and Uganda to witness the educational programs in place. While his performance of “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” was pleasant it was not quite as moving as his charitable efforts. Maybe Idol could hire Clay to help infuse some of that philanthropy back into the show?
…We get a reminder of Clay Aiken’s career path in the decade since his stint on Idol. We learn about his various goodwill projects, and I have to say that he was a dear on Celebrity Apprentice, so I’m totally buying it. He performs a fan favorite, “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” I’m having trouble focusing on Clay’s performance, as I am completely mesmerized by the undulating black and white striped legs of one of his background singers.
…Clay Aiken then recapped the worthy work he’s done on behalf of children with disabilities and reprised his version of “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” which has never caused Art Garfunkel to suffer significant sleep deprivation. (Add Clay, by the way, to the long list of unlikely people who tower over Ryan.)
Also on Thursday night, season 2 runner-up (lost to Rubben Studdard), Clay Aiken returned to the show that made him a household name in America to perform slay (again) with a cover performance of “Bridge over Troubled Water“. Clay performed this classic song ten years ago at the finale of ‘Idol’ season 2. He executed it flawlessly once more!
The “Idol” nostalgia continued with a rare appearance by Season 2 runner-up Clay Aiken, who sang his signature cover song, “Bridge Over Troubled Water” (take that, Lazaro Arbos!), followed by Season 3 champion Fantasia doing her fantastic new single “Lose to Win” and a where-are-they-now piece on Fantasia’s S3 castmate, LaToya London. This all seemed like the producers’ ploy to court the longtime “Idol” diehards that the show alienated this year with controversial casting choices and TMZ-leaked feuds. But you know what? The ploy worked. It was like the best episode of “American Idol Rewind” ever, and all that was missing was the triumphant return of Brian Dunkleman. “Idol” viewers were totally partying like it was 2003, and the entire results show was a very welcome reminder of the long-running, much-loved TV institution’s glory days. It was a moment like this, we were flying without wings inside your heaven because we believed, and yes, it did make us proud. This was our now, and it was the time of our lives.
There are many more reviews…some are great, some are OK and some are written by people who are bullies!
All I know is that Clay Aiken has one of the most beautiful voices around and I am proud to be a fan!
What did you think of Clay’s visit to American Idol?
I loved Clay on Idol. I think he showed them how it’s done. He is definitely one of Idol’s best discoveries!
I think Clay's visit to American Idol was a testament to the beautiful, compassionate, and talented man that he is. He looked gorgeous, spoke elegantly and passionately about his charity affiliations, and sang up a storm.
I love both versions of Clay's Bridge Over Troubled Waters. The 2003 one appeared to be more lively and energetic, and was quite effective in exciting the audience (water cooler moments). The 2013 rendition was more subdued and calming. It beautifully showcased Clay's exceptional vocal range and was performed with amazing ease. His voice is now fuller and more mature.
Musicfan – I must congratulate you on your coverage of Clay's return to the AI stage. You have done an outstanding job choosing pertinent quotes and info to post, and the photos are the best. Thank you very much for your efforts and dedication.
Words can't express how I felt when I watched Clay on American idol Thursday, he was fabulous! I've watched this video over and over again, can't seem to get enough, he's a wonderful caring man and a great singer. God bless him! Love you Clay xox. Thanks Musicfan xox.
Well poo on those negative reviews. He was GREAT on Idol! I wonder if any news on the ratings on Thursday night have been released. Do you think there was a spike?
I thought he was wonderful on the show. Unlike one reviewer, I wasn't distracted from Clay at all and had I noticed anything about the backup singing at all, it would have been that they were not very good. I don't mean to be uncharitable but it's the truth. However, one Mr Clay Aiken was spectacular !!!
I loved every bit of our Clay's return to Idol – near perfection in every way! He is not only blessed with
that beautiful voice but much grace and humility. Clay is a CLASS ACT all the way. I am so proud to
be a member of the Clayfan Family – such an honor! <3
Clay looked and sounded great on AI on Thurs. His version of BOTW was different from the 2003 version, but it worked. I liked the pre song interview Clay gave. I think many viewers were surprised by all of the good work he has done since his days on Idol.
well poo about those negative revews clay did an amazing job i thought he was amazing on stage singing he looked handsome his version of bridge over triubled waters was amazing and epic im so proud to be a member of the clay fan family also
Clay was fabulous on Idol. I loved his singing and his talking about the things so close to his heart-his work with children. I am so excited about the Office too! My plane should be in from Raleigh to see it. So very happy to see Clay in different types of entertainment. He is so good at it all!
The critics don't know diddly squat!!!!! Loved that he sang BOTW again!!!! And loved the two different versions also! It's like Paula used to say, "You can sing the phone book and make it sound great!" He looked SO comfortable in front of the live audience & the audience watching on TV. And he completely blew me away & made me melt into a puddle of Ellison goo after singing that song again! LOVE HIM, LOVE HIM, LOVE HIM!!!!!!!! Thanks as always for sharing, Musicfan123!
Your Friend,
"Clay Aiken" for me was "Mesmerizing", his Voice as always is Golden and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" is and always will be a song that Clay sings showing Me his True Friendship!!! Thank You Clay for Loving Us, We Love You!!!!__Love,__Always And Forever,
I was in heaven watching Clay on AI. I loved the focus on his charitable works but I also wish there had been more emphasis on everything else he's done these past few years.
Loved Bridge, but also wished he had sung one of his own as well. BBML I'm still walking on clouds, in the Aiken fog and wanting to see more. I've listened to BOTW at least 50 times since Thursday night.
I'm still in the Aiken Fog from watching Clay sing Bridge Over Troubled Water Thursday night. He was just spectacular. In fact, I cannot stop watching the video. He is just a beautiful man..inside and out. I adored the Intro of Clay. It showed what a caring man he truly is.
I loved seeing clay on the show. It made me realize how much I miss seeing him. He should have won celebrity apprentice. I would love to see him on tv regularly. I wish he would do a new cd of newly written songs ust for him
american idol is aired on a delayed basis in the Philippines, because if it's aired live it would be 8 in the morning! still, it made my day! time stood still while i was watching! thanks, clay!