I want to take a moment to apologize for the e-mail problem that we have had this past week. Somehow the program was sending the wrong daily blog to you. It was always one day late. You all must have thought I was a bit crazy, sending news a day late. However, I never knew there was a problem until this morning when a few people finally let us know that something was wrong.
As this site grows, we sometimes have to make changes in the programs we use. We are looking for another e-mail program that will serve our needs. I hope you will have patience with us and see us through our growing pains. BUT…please, if there is a problem, let us know. We need your feedback! Thanks again for your patience.
I was asked to post the following invitation here –
Remember, if you have trouble reading this, click on the picture to enlarge the picture.
Doesn’t this look like fun? I was able to attend the event last year and it was an afternoon full of fun and a great way to introduce The National Inclusion Project to more people. I hope some of you will be able to attend…and why not bring a teacher, a YMCA associate or a parent who would be interested in learning about the organization.
I was advised by Irene Williams that they still have room so the August 20th date has been extended.
The following are some pictures I took last year.
Now, doesn’t that look like fun?
I hope you can make it to this exciting event.
Lets hope we get some Clay news soon. Even a tweet is fun!
I am glad to read that this is being continued again this year. It looks like lots of fun was had by all last year. It is a wonderful opportunity for those living in the Los Angeles area to meet some great people and learn more about the National Inclusion Project. I hope they can beat the attendance from last year!
Looks like a wonderful time – this time I am on the wrong Coast!!! Would be so nice to attend but
going to Gala! Hope many attend and it is a great success! Love all of the pictures – it's a real party!!!
You can read Clay's lips while he is fanning himself "Oh, Lord Jesus". That was a couple of years ago, when Clay had long hair.
So glad the technical problems are working out. I always try to track CANN down no matter what!
That does look like a great time. I wish I could go.
Same here! I had to find it on the Facebook page to get it! Lordy Lordy, thank goodness you are working on the email problems. Looks like the Los Angeles gathering was a huge success! If I still lived in CA I would certainly have come!! See lots of you at the Gala next month! Eeek! Next MONTH! Oh wow, it's coming up faaaast!
Glad to see that a few of us gave u a heads up on the problem, Musicfan123!!!! And glad that some of u will be able to attend the fun event again this year. I literally LOL'd @ the library when I saw the pic of Miz Faye working it with the hula hoop!!!! Go girl!!!!! And thanks for posting the "Lawd, Jesus" photo! That's probably one of the best pics that he took!!!! Thanks as always, for sharing!!!!!!
I hope this event is a big success.
I hope so too, wish I could go, looks like it would be fun.
These pictures bring back nice memories. Clay on the late night show. His Mom with the hula hoops. Wishing they had grilled cheese trucks in Philly.Regular down to earth people having fun 4 a good cause.