Clay Aiken – A Busy Time For Tweeting!

For those who live in the United States, Tuesday night was an important time.  President Barack Obama gave the State of the Union speech.

The State of the Union Message is a message from the President to Congress, given once at the beginning of the  year.  In this important message, the President talks about important issues facing Americans and offers his ideas on solving the nation’s problems, including suggestions for new laws and policies. The Constitution of the United States requires that the President give Congress a State of the Union message about the condition of the country.

If Clay Aiken had won the election last November, he would have been in the House chamber along with other members of the House of Representatives and the Senate along with the Speaker of the House and the Vice President.

Because of his knowledge and interest of politics, I had hoped that Clay might tweet a bit about the speech by President Obama.  Clay didn’t let me down.  He shared a few thoughts with his supporters.  The following are four tweets from Clay during the speech.

Lines tonight that Speaker Boehner refused to applaud: “lowering taxes of working families and putting thousands of $ back in their pockets”

“Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work.” — No applause from Boehner

Congress “if u truly believe u can work full-time & support a family on less than $15k a year, TRY IT!”

“If you want somebody who’s gonna get the job done, and done right, HIRE A VETERAN!”

A big Thank You to Clay for sharing some points with us.  Of course the tweets are in support of the president, but that would be expected as Clay did run as a Democrat.

We certainly received a lot of great pictures of Clay on the campaign trail in 2014.


If the following doesn’t put a smile on your face, I will be surprised.  Clay started the day with a fun tweet about…..MILK!!!  He even sent a fun picture!!  The milk company was pleased and thanked Clay…by tweeting!!!  Enjoy!!!

I know I am a nerd, but I don’t apologize for being SOOO EXCITED about this new milk! y’all?

You smiled…Right??


So…do you have a twitter account?

 Do you follow Clay?

 Do you follow Clay Aiken News Network??

 I hope your answer is yes 3X!!  Those tweets and favorites are an easy way to show support!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Busy Time For Tweeting!

  1. Clay is a news hound. He stays on top of happenings around the world and doesn't hesitate to express his own evaluaion of current affairs. Yes, i more than smiled when I read his Fairlife Milk tweet. This product must be phenominal for Clay to get so excited about it. I will be on the lookout for it at my local grocery stores!!!!!

    Here is a link to an article about Fairlife Milk. The photos are fantastic! Racy but cute!

  2. Count me in 3X's!! I actually wasn't watching the SOTU until Clay started tweeting me about it, lol. My favorite line from the President was when he said he won both elections, lol! Great tweets by Clay! Saw one report that he also used the word transgendered for the very first time in history. I had to mute the sound when that lady came on later for the Republican rebuttal! Borrrrring!! (sounded and looked like a robot to me, lol)

  3. X3 for me also.I do get a little upset when the negative posts come on. But I am so happy to see Clay tweeting. Many things he said during his campaign were also addressed during the SOTU. I hope this gets Clay fired up and gets involved with some type of government job.
    Thanks so much Martha for all this news you find for us.

  4. Yes, yes and yes!!! 🙂 Just a question though… Why is Clay so excited about Fairlife milk? I am from the Philippines, I don't think we have that brand here… Thanks CANN!!!

  5. Bravo! Bravo! Clay is not afraid to express his opinion. He may not have won the election, but that does not discouraged him. Clay is not a quitter, which is one of the many reasons I admire him so! As Clay believes: One door closes, another door opens.

  6. I had a Twitter acct., followed Clay, got overwhelmed by it all, deleted my acct. But I have JUST gotten back on and plan to follow Clay! I loved reading his Tweets here today though!

  7. Yes to all 3. Never post on Twitter…just follow Clay. I liked the statement by the Pres. "Hire a Vet". Clay proposed this in his run for Congress and even met with the wives of servicemen. The voters of NC2 didn't pay attention.

  8. That's our Clay. LOL Excited about politics and then also tweeting that he is very excited about a new milk product.

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