Clay Aiken – “What’s That Show?”

Back in the summer of 2007, Clay Aiken spent the months of July and August touring throughout the USA.  The tour was given the name “Soft Rock in a Hard Place” and was very successful.

One of the highlights of the tour was a Medley of famous TV Theme songs.  Clay seemed to have a great time performing this difficult medley.

The following is a fun video of the TV Theme Song Medley.

I bet you will smile!!


Well, what did you think?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – “What’s That Show?”

  1. Love that video, thank goodness for the Clack or I never would have been able to watch all the wonderful Clay concerts! Thanks Martha…..x

  2. I was at the first stop in Dallas of that tour and the tv medley was a fun time. Clay is such a kick in concert.

  3. I love the TV Medley segment of Clay's concert: the vocals were amazing and brought back memories of these shows! Clay, Angela, and Quiana are so good together, like family! One can see the love.
    Thank you, for sharing! You have brighten my day!

  4. This is the one tour that I was fortunate enough to attend 8 different times!!! Oh boy did I have fun~!!! Thanks for the memories Martha!!

  5. That summer was so much fun!!! I saw the 4 CA concerts with 4 friends (roadtrip) and then flew to NC with other gals for those 2 concerts!!! What a summer of Clay fun Thanks for the memories

  6. That was so much fun to watch again!!! Clay and the girls sure had a lot of fun doing the TV shows!!!!

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