Clay Aiken – There’s More All The Time


Yes…a bit more information about American Idol, Clay Aiken, friends, and news shows. It seems there is more all the time!!

I really like the following picture of two good friends.

Clay and Ruben – Good Friends!!

Clay sent a tweet early Friday morning. Clink on the link to see Clay’s selfie video!

Clay Aiken ‏ Los Angeles, CA

What happens when you have to do Fox News satellite interview 6:30am and then rush to the… Clay’s selfie

Always nice when he  doesn’t need to worry about what he wears behind the desk!!


Lindsey Parker wrote a great article about the AI finale for Yahoo.  She rated her favorite parts of the finale.  The following is the part she wrote about Clay:

4. Idol Went Unplugged

The voices of some of Idol’s greatest powerhouses were front and center in this lovely, tasteful, bell-and-whistle-free number – a welcome counterpoint to all the wackiness mentioned above. Katharine McPhee, Casey James, Ruben Studdard, and Amber Holcomb all impressed, but the real stars of this acoustic medley were Carly Smithson, Clay Aiken (back despite trashing the show on Twitter weeks ago, and sounding fantastic), and pop princess Jessica Sanchez. So much talent, all on one stage… this was magical.

Yes…you probably saw this video before…but it is very nice!!!


Clay  had to get up early Friday morning to tape a conversation about Politics in North Carolina for CNBC.

Thanks to lindylo for the screen caps!!

You can see Clay talking about the new laws in North Carolina at this site.  Give it a moment to load!   CNBCVIDEO

This is the third blog about the American Idol Finale…you can see the others right here.

 Just check the list in the right column that lists all the recent blogs.

Have a Great Week-end!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

5 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – There’s More All The Time

  1. Clay's performance had the audience swooning with that voice of perfection! Beautiful song, Beautiful man! I tend to play it over and over again!

  2. Did you notice that Carly Smithson sang "Here You Come Again" and Jessica Sanchez sang "The Prayer". Both songs have been sung by Clay in the past. The first on his CD A Thousand Different Ways and the second with Hannah Waddingham at the Easter Bonnet fund raising in NYC. Clay did great with his rendition of Annie's Song on the finale. I loved the CNBC video of Clay's take on the new law in NC. He is one smart guy!

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