Clay Aiken – Beautiful Words Of Condolence

Barbara Bush passed away Tuesday at the age of 92.

Mrs. Bush served as the country’s first lady from 1989 to 1993. She passed away shortly after deciding to forgo further medical treatments for her failing health.  She had been hospitalized many times while battling congestive heart failure. She also had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Mrs. Bush is one of only two first ladies in the history of the country who was also the mother of a president. Abigail Adams, the wife of John Adams, a founding father of the nation and its second president, was the mother of John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. president.

Mr. and Mrs. Bush celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary on Jan. 6.

In an interview in The Smith Alumnae Quarterly, Barbara said

I am still old and still in love with the man I married 72 years ago.

Mrs Bush will be missed by her family, friends, and people throughout the world.

Clay Aiken was one of the first to send a beautiful tweet about Mrs. Bush.  The tweet was picked up by many news sources, including CBS and Entertainment Weekly. He wrote:

I’m ever more aware these days of the importance of the example that comes from the White House. I’m so grateful that, when I was my son’s age, was such an amazing example for us children of the 80s and for all Americans. Rest in glory, Madam First Lady 💙

This was a beautiful thought.

Clay also posted another tweet on Tuesday morning.

How cool. I love this artist’s work. I reached out and told him I was a fan… and he drew me!!! I’m honored. Thanks check it out y’all. ⤵️

I think it’s a great picture.

Check out this link to learn how you can get a copy of this picture.

It might look great in your home!

And, thank you to Halny for the drawing of Clay!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Beautiful Words Of Condolence

  1. That was a most memorable and beautiful tweet sent out in honor of Barbara

    Bush’s death, by Clay. He always seems to have the right words.

    She was a grand lady who lived life fully and well – she really loved and appreciated her family and they her. She knew what was important – may she rest in God’s peace!

  2. I have always admired our first ladies and Barbara Bush was one of my favorites. A very gracious lady! She will be missed!
    Love the drawing of Clay and I will order a copy!

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