Clay Aiken – Some Amazing Pictures

Yes…the Champions Gala for The National Inclusion Project happened 10 days ago…

but I thought you might want to see some amazing pictures of the week-end.

The Project posted hundreds of pictures on Tuesday and…everyone of them is good.

So…I picked a few from Saturday night that I though you would enjoy.

 The info is under each picture and I hope you enjoy them all!

Dress Rehearsal -Making sure everything will be OK!

Back stage working to make sound, lighting, curtains, etc. all work!

Clay is taking about the Honorees

Watching the audience!

Clay makes us all smile…Diane just had to laugh!

Even the band takes a selfie!

Each member of the band was so talented!

The view from the balcony!

Clay and Ethel – What fun!!

Nobody sings like Clay!!

So beautiful!! Same shirt, pants and shoes…do you remember the pink shoelaces??

If you want to see more pictures, visit the Project’s Facebook page.

 There are hundreds of   PICTURES 

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and check in today.

You just never know when we will hear from Clay!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

6 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Some Amazing Pictures

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these great photos. I hope everyone who went to the Gala had a fun and safe trip. I just dreamed about going to the Gala this week, but I was able to attend in 2011.

  2. I viewed many of these pictures that was shared on Facebook yesterday and loved them all! Some were very emotional and some were very funny (especially when Ethel hit the stage and hugged everyone in the band). Thank you, CANN for posting! HAGW!

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