Clay Aiken – A Special Time!

It is Saturday and the day after Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard made the day very special.  There is so much information that I can’t post it all, but will do what I can.

Clay and Ruben started their day with a visit with the television show, The View.

The View posted the following tweets:

THIS MORNING: Christmas is coming early when American Idol alums and reunite on our stage!

After the show, they tweeted:

. and officially brought us the holiday spirit this morning — AMAZING, YOU GUYS!!

We were lucky that there are YouTubes of Clay and Ruben’s visit.

Following the show on The View, Clay sent out a message on Twitter:

Grab a peppermint mocha and watch @RubenAndClay as they go live on the @AmericanIdol Facebook page at 2pm EST. Performances of Ruben and Clay’s First Annual Christmas Carol Family Fun Pageant Spectacular Reunion Show begin TONIGHT on Broadway! Link in bi… 

He was answered by :

You had me at peppermint mocha #youknowmesowell 1f61c.png love you two!!
The first preview was Friday night. The following tweet says a lot and is wonderful!
Replying to @MeghanMcCain @clayaiken and 2 others

At the show right now. Clay took the roof off with his powerful voice singing The First Noel. Brought tears.

Someone on twitter posted the following pictures of the merchandise that is available at the theater.

After the preview show on Friday, Clay went out to meet his fans at the stage door.

It was reported that there were a huge group of people who wanted an autograph and a quick hello!

I love seeing these  videos and posts about Clay and his performances.

These next weeks are going to be filled with Christmas Cheer followed

by Clay Cheer!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

5 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Special Time!

  1. EEEEEE!!!! I've been so excited!!!! Thank you so much Musicfan for all these tidbits from yesterday. I want this to go so well for Clay!!!! He's excited about music and performing again, and I AM THRILLED!!! My heart has swelled these past few days. ENJOY!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you all for the pictures and video! Loved them on The View and cheered when Clay hit the long note!

  3. thanks so much for the pictures I also love them coming in from the new Christmas show iloved them also on the view and I also cheered when clay amazingly hit the long note and it was incredible when they sang together on the view

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