American Idol, Season II was full of surprises . It was an exciting time for the performers and the audience.
The third elimination night was one of those surprising times. Just as everyone had settled down to hear Disco Music, the theme for the night was changed. “Country-Rock…..what is Country-Rock? Wearing a cowboy hat, Ryan Seacrest said : “the theme for tonight is the intricate fusion between country and rock.

The guest judge for this night was Olivia Newton-John.
Singing Brian White’s hit, Someone Else’s Star, Clay Aiken was the highlight of the evening.
Randy, Paula, and Olivia gave Clay a short standing ovation.
Simon thought it was sweet, but just like his last performance.
Do You Remember This Song?
Someone Else’s Star
Alone again tonight
Without someone to love
Do you remember this picture from American Idol!