
Any appearances and events will be posted here as soon as the information becomes available.


17 thoughts on “Calendar

  1. I love this site..It IS ALL CLAY…

    Congrats to all that have participated and made this site a success..

    One that I have bookmarked and will come back too..

    • Pacific Time, though TV shows should be the same as most shows on the Pacific coast are time delayed. Best to always check your local listings for any TV show.

  2. i am so so glad to see info about clay, he is just great, lets hope he ha renewed success and maybe new management and reliable recored company, he is one of rhe bes idol alumni and unlike some others can he sing!!

  3. will the national inclusion project gala be televised? also clay would be great to pbs for a christmas special

  4. Hi, I just LOVE Clay. From day one on Idol I fell in love with him He is just so talanted. His music just make me so happy. I wish he would come back to Cleveland, Ohio more often. I will be a Claymate forever. Last time he was in Cleveland I took his book to the concert thinking he might have signed it, but no luck. I love you Clay and always support your career. Denise R in Cleveland, Ohio

  5. Please Clay tour my grandson and I want to see you live, he is special needs and he loves you !!!!!As well as a lot……of other people. I hope you realize how much you are loved ,not because you are famous but just because you are you. You have an awesome personality and a big heart you're a good person. God Bless!!!!

  6. I have a thick file of articles of Clay..magazine covers…I put on one of his midnight events and have articles and photos from the Hartford CT newspaper. Before I toss…who wants all this..oh, plus a license plate saying I'D RATHER BE AT A CLAY AIKEN CONCERT…
    CALL TO ARRANGE SENDING Carole 760 200-1861 Palm Springs..

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