Clay Aiken – Honorable Mention!


Today is Sunday…the first day of a new week!

We look forward to hearing from Clay Aiken

and following him as he travels his path to Washington D.C.


As most of you know, Clay chose to suspend all his campaign activities in respect for Keith Crisco and his family and friends.  However, there still have been many articles about Clay and the race in all sorts of places.  The following are just some interesting ones that were on the internet. It seems that accuracy is not always important!!??!!

Epoch Times – Clay Aiken Wins NC Democrat Congressional Primary

“American Idol” singer Clay Aiken won what had been a hotly contested Democratic primary for a North Carolina congressional seat according to a final, unofficial vote count that was posted Tuesday, a day after the accidental death of his closest rival.

Aiken will face Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers in November in the GOP-leaning district where Mitt Romney won nearly six in 10 votes in 2012. Ellmers won by 56 percent that year and is looking for a third term. The county-by-county tally of the 2nd Congressional District race posted by the state Tuesday confirmed Aiken got more than 40 percent of the vote needed to win the three-candidate race.

On Monday, second-place finisher Keith Crisco, 71, died after falling at his home. Hours earlier, campaign manager Christine Botta said they had counted the absentee votes in two key counties, forcing Crisco to acknowledge defeat. He had decided to concede his loss to Aiken on Tuesday, she said.

“Keith and I talked in detail about the fact that the votes weren’t there,” Botta said.

Aiken and Crisco each picked up a handful of votes after the last of the absentee ballots returned by a Monday deadline were counted, according to results on the State Board of Elections website…

You can read the rest of this article at EPOCHTIMES


The following is a weekly blog that is rather long.  The following part is the only mention of Clay in the article.

Huff Post – Politics: Friday Talking Points — Brain Damage

by Chris Weigant



…Earning at least an Honorable Mention this week was none other than Clay Aiken, who is now the Democratic candidate for a North Carolina House seat. He was leading his Democratic rival by a few hundred votes, and a recount was on the horizon, when Aiken’s opponent dropped dead. This cleared the way for Aiken, and although he doesn’t have much of a prayer in a district that went for Romney by almost 60 percent, we still celebrate his willingness to be a celebrity candidate instead of just sniping at politics from the sidelines (as many celebrities on both sides of the aisle are known to do)….

You can read the entire article at HUFFPOST


No new pictures this week, but there are some nice ones from the primary!

The following are from filing day!!

When do you think Clay will actively return to the election?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain