Hi All….just in from another wonderful performance of the Drowsy Chaperone. Clay Aiken and the rest of the cast were amazing. I am so glad that I got to see the play twice. There is so much that is happening on stage and I didn’t want to miss a thing.
The cast seemed a bit more relaxed this evening and a few sections seemed to flow with a bit more ease. I could easily watch Clay again in this play. When he is on the stage, he is no longer Clay, but the Man In The Chair. His face and hands convey the emotions of the character and you feel his joy, excitement and sadness all within two hours.
For some reason the computer service at the Sheraton is VERY slow tonight. The computer has crashed twice and I can almost take a nap while waiting for pictures to download. So…I will post what I can and cross my fingers that all will work out.
I thought I might share some pictures of some of the places I have visited here.
My friends and I had Fresh Blackberry cobbler at Mecca…this is the restaurant that Clay used for many of his pictures for the Tried & True Photoshoot.
This is the wonderful National Inclusion Project Booth that is in the lobby of the theatre. Doesn’t it look nice?
The lovely lady hosting the booth is Tonya Gillham.
A nice group of ladies all met at Clyde Cooper’s BBQ on Wednesday for lunch. I think there were at least seven states represented. The owner was pleased that we were there and proudly got out his iPad and shared a great picture of Clay on one of his many lunches at the restaurant.
A big THANK YOU to all the ladies for making lunch so much fun!

This picture is on the wall in the restaurant.
This is the cover of the Program!
I will be traveling home today. I will miss Raleigh and the excitement of seeing Clay perform,but will also be glad to see my family. Besides…I need to be home to watch The Office!!!
I look forward to finding more comments about the play and posting them here. I will post the news as soon as I can!