It started early in the morning and ended after dinner…yes…that was Tuesday for Clay Aiken!
The day started with Clay tweeting to let all of us know how he started the day.
Clay Aiken @ClayForNC
Hosting a business roundtable in Cary this morning. Great convo about issues affecting NC small…
Another tweet came in about the meeting…
Jeff Tippett @JeffTippett
Leading a morning business roundtable w Clay Aiken. First question: ACA. @ The Matthews House in Cary
What a smart thing to do…Clay invited people in the business arena to get together and talk about the needs of the business community in District 2 and then discuss how they can work together to solve the problems for the businesses and for the citizens of District 2.
And…the Matthews House. I hope I will get to see this beautiful building someday!
Located in historic downtown Cary on Chatham Street, The Matthews House is a stately Greek revival mansion nestled among giant oaks and lush flower gardens.
In the evening, Clay traveled to the town of Apex. He attended an important meeting hosted by Jen Geurin Ferrell, a Citizen Lobbyist and a political activist who founded Forward Americans. Jen travels though out North Carolina encouraging all people to listen, discuss, and most important, VOTE! I bet she never leaves home without voter registration cards she can pass out.
Tuesday night, Jen invited her open minded GOP & unaffiliated neighbors and friends to meet with Clay Aiken and Lisa Baker from District 36.
Gen told me that there were at least 20 people in attendance and that is was a great first step in encouraging people to have open minds.
According to Jen, Clay did a great job relating to the group. He listened to everyone’s concerns and addressed each one. The discussion covered many diverse topics including public education, student debt, and access to clean drinking water that is free of coal ash. Many were concerned about fracking in the area.
Jen sent the following tweets about the evening:

Grateful for @ClayForNC @clayaiken’s time w/ open minded GOP & unaffiliated friends this evening! Common ground ya’ll @ForwardAmerican

Opening minds & hearts w/ the truth of what is at stake in #nc02. @ClayForNC @clayaiken connecting w/ R&Us is real. @ForwardAmerican
What a great idea to host a meeting in your home that allows everyone to have a voice.
And a big thank you to Jen Geurin Ferrell for the wonderful pictures and the recap of the evening!!
Now…What will Clay surprise us with today?
Check in later to see if there is any new events today!!