Clay Aiken spoke at the U.S. Congressional candidates forum in Cary at the Prestonwood Country Club. Other speakers were Renee Ellmers from District 2, David Price from District 4 and Brenda Cleary from District 13.
There are some great pictures and messages!

Cary Chamber The U.S. Congressional candidates forum was a successful. Thank you Clay Aiken and Renee Ellmers from District 2, David Price from District 4 and Brenda Cleary from District 13. — at Prestonwood Country Club.

Smith & Smith, CPA, P.C. Eye Opener Breakfast this morning with the Cary Chamber of Commerce. Guest speaker forum of the U.S. Congressional candidates: Clay Aiken and Renee Ellmers from District 2, David Price from District 4 and Brenda Cleary from District 13. — at Prestonwood Country Club.

Jamie: – Cary Chamber Eye Opener candidate forum. Clay Aiken, Renee Ellmers, David Price, Brenda Cleary

Clay Aiken @ClayForNC · Thnx @CaryChamber today for hosting a great forum and the chance to discuss issues w/Rep.Ellmers for the first time!
Love seeing all of this!