Clay sent the following message out today!

Much has been said about the remarks Renee Ellmers made recently at a conservative women’s panel. She said her words were taken out of context. I’m not going to judge whether or not that’s true. But I am going to point out one thing she said — and that’s her apparent desire to have an “open conversation.”
I’ve enjoyed traveling across the Second District these past few months. And many of the best and most engaging conversations I’ve had weren’t with folks who agreed with me on everything — they were with those who caused me to think about things in a different way or who challenged me to defend my own beliefs.
Voters in our district and around this country want to hear more about how folks in Washington are going to work together to solve our country’s problems. So far, they’ve gotten few — if any — answers from our representatives.
We owe it to the voters to speak openly about what we plan to do for the people of the Second District. Multiple organizations and news outlets have reached out to my campaign inviting us to debate Renee Ellmers. And we gladly accept the invitations. But upon followup, we’ve learned that Rep. Ellmers and her campaign have not accepted any of the requests.
Rep. Ellmers said she wanted the Republican Party to have an open conversation about how they frame their message when they talk to women. Well, that kind of conversation in spin and political messaging doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t want to be a messenger for the Republican Party. I don’t want to be a messenger for the Democratic Party. I DO want to be a messenger for the people of the Second District.
P.S. Help us spread the word by forwarding this email to 5 of your friends.
Paid for by Clay Aiken for North Carolina |
Clay for North Carolina
PO Box 3809
Cary NC 27519-3809 United States
Please help Clay by signing the petition. Also, take a moment and re-tweet Clay’s tweets about the debate!!

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