Clay Aiken – Happy February

Happy February

It’s the month of

Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, The Super Bowl, Groundhog Day


Black History Month


Do you remember what you were doing in February, 2008?  I have to think hard to remember all that I was doing then, but for some reason, I don’t have any trouble remembering what Clay Aiken was doing that February.

Clay was starring on Broadway in Spamalot.  I would imagine that Clay remembers too!

According to, Spamalot  played a total of 35 previews and 1,574 regular performances.  The show grossed over $175,000,000 and was seen by more than two million people. The musical recouped its entire investment in under six months.

One of the things I enjoyed about Spamalot was that almost all of the main stars played more than one role during the play.  It was interesting to see the actors change personalities so quickly during the performance.

Clay played the role of Sir Robin, a Knight of the Roundtable.  Ironically called “Sir Robin the Brave,”  he couldn’t be more cowardly.  He joined the Knights for the singing and dancing.

Clay had a few other roles to play:

1st Sentry – a smart man whose post was in a tower.

Brother Maynard – a long winded monk.

Swamp Castle Guard – a rather slow fellow who seemed to have trouble understanding what he was supposed to do!

The following pictures show the characters that Clay played in Spamalot.

1st Sentry

Robin – Before he became a Knight

Sir Robin

Brother Maynard

Swamp Castle Guard


 Which Character was your favorite?

What moment in the show made you laugh the most?


Just a quick note!
On Sunday, a small paragraph was published on the news page of the site, real screen.  It mentioned Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard.
 The site is a busy insider news source for TV and Movies.
Since there is no confirmation from any other site or, more importantly, news from Clay or his team, we will put the information in the back of our news file.
Thanks for understanding.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain