Clay Aiken – “He’s Very Passionate”

Welcome to the third day of Clay Aiken’s exciting run for the Democratic nomination for Congress in North Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District.  Things have not slowed down.  Clay is still trending, still on numerous TV shows, and the topic of countless articles about his new pathway.  Just look at google mentions…right now it reads at 200,000,000!

Perhaps one of my favorite articles was posted late Thursday:

Hollywood Reporter – Ruben Studdard Reacts to Clay Aiken’s Run for Congress: He’s ‘Very Passionate’

While Clay Aiken was sitting down with Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC to discuss the first day of his congressional candidacy, Ruben Studdard was sitting down with The Hollywood Reporter at the Daily Grill in Studio City. The topic of discussion was Studdard’s new album, Unconditional Love, released this week on the Verve label. But the conversation quickly turned to Aiken’s announcement that he was running to represent his North Carolina district in Washington, D.C.

“Clay is very passionate about the things he believes in,” Studdard replied when THR asked him about his fellow season two finalist. “If he wins the race, it could be the best thing that’s ever happened to his district. Not because of his celebrity but because of the things he cares about. It takes a special person to educate children with special needs and that’s what he did even before he was a celebrity. Right now in America, you either have money or you don’t. Clay has lived in both income levels and he’ll be able to effectively address the issues that impact the lives of people in his district.”

“I’m really proud of him,” he continued. “Proud that he’s brave enough to do this because when you run for public office, you open yourself up to a lot of criticism.”

And would Studdard be willing to help out with the campaign, especially with fundraising? “If Clay calls me, I’ll be there,” he says.

That may come as a surprise to some fans of the winner and runner-up of season two, who are still battling it out in cyberspace about who should have won that season of American Idol.

“I think it’s ridiculous that 10 years later people on the internet are still fussing with each other,” says Studdard. “Clay and I are clearly friends. It was great to go out on tour together. We had no idea our fans were like the Hatfields and the McCoys. Meanwhile, Clay and I are at Denny’s eating pancakes. Both of us had this amazing opportunity to be on a show that changed everybody’s lives and I wouldn’t change that experience for the world.”

Fred Bronson wrote this article.  A big Thank You to Ruben for being a good friend to Clay.  Both of these “classy” men are positive models of good friends.

Please visit the site and let Mr Bronson know that you enjoyed this article.  HOLLYWOODREPORTER

The following is another excellent article.  It is long so I am only posting a few paragraphs from the article.  Be sure and visit the site and read the entire article.

WUNC 91.5 North Carolina Public Radio – Clay Aiken Suspends His Singing Career To Enter Politics

…But while his music may have made him a household name, few people have heard Aiken talk politics- until now. In his campaign announcement video, Aiken criticizes the 2nd District’s incumbent, Republican Representative Renee Ellmers, for supporting cuts to military funding, among other issues…

…Ellmers herself is facing a Republican challenger — Frank Roche, a radio talk show host from Cary. Meanwhile, Clay Aiken’s decision to run after what the singer calls a year of consideration has already affected the race. One Democratic hopeful- Houston Barnes of Durham has dropped out.

Barnes says he supports Aiken’s campaign completely. But Keith Crisco, a former commerce secretary and one of the other candidates staying in the race, said he was aware that Aiken was running.  I noticed that, I noticed he was, says Crisco.

But the incumbent, Republican Renee Ellmers, has not been so welcoming of Clay Aiken. She’s already mocked his singing career. Her spokeswoman has taken a swipe at Aiken’s sexual orientation- he told his fans he was gay back in 2008. Ellmers wasn’t available for interviews Wednesday. Aiken says he thinks it’s a shame the Ellmers campaign is already throwing barbs before the candidate filing period officially begins on Monday.

You can read the entire article at WUNC

Take a look at the top of this page and find the tab that says “Clay For NC”  This is the place that we will try and place all the video interviews and shows that Clay is doing.  It is something that Deona works on each day.  If you know of a video that we should include, please leave a comment for us with as much information as you know about it.  We want you all to be able to enjoy all the interviews.

Also…just a couple of other things

1.  There is a false FaceBook Page out there.  It is called Clay Aiken for Congress.  They are trying to make people think that it is Clay that is posting.  We have been asked to pass the word.  Please do NOT “like” the page and, if you have the time, please let FaceBook know it is a scam.

2.  Be sure that you have both of Clay’s twitter accounts handy.  Clay has been using both accounts to tweet.  Now, these sites need to be followed.  Numbers count!  The two links to the sites are:  clayaiken   AND  ClayForNC

3.  Finally…if you can help support Clay’s run for congress, you can make a donation at  DONATION  This is the site that is on Clay’s official Political Page.

What will happen tomorrow?  Well, we have already heard that there will be more interviews and probably more articles.  I will update this site in the middle of the day with any news that will help us see and read as much as we can!  I hope you will check in drink the day for the updates.

What an amazing few days!  Clay:  What an excellent start to a new career.  I am watching and cheering you on!  Thank you for making a difference!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain