Clay Aiken – Just Laugh It Off

On November 13, 2003, Clay Aiken was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel – Live.  Prior to this appearance, Jimmy had used Clay as the butt of many jokes.  When the two finally sat down to chat, Jimmy tried to explain away reasons for making fun of Clay.  He also was surprised that Clay was tall (6’1″).

Britney Spears was the guest before Clay on the program.  As she was talking to Jimmy, she commented that she liked Ruben better than Clay!!  Not so nice to say that in front of Clay!!  However, Clay took care of it.  While talking to Jimmy about being made fun of, Clay said he just laughs it off…just like he laughed at the comment made by Britney.

Clay was involved in a short skit to tease Jimmy. Sarah Silverman, who was Jimmy’s boyfriend and Clay pretended that they were kissing and having fun.  It was a cute skit.

It happened to be Jimmy’s birthday and Clay asked him if he was 40!!  Then Jimmy went through a list of things that he and Clay had in common.  With a smile, Clay said he needed a new fact checker.

It was a great show and Clay seemed to have a good time.

I wish I could find a video of this show.  Unfortunately, Disney/ABC removed the videos from YouTube many years ago!

By the way…Jimmy celebrated his 50th birthday last night!!

Do you remember this night?

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