Monday was a holiday for many, but there was still lots of great information about Clay Aiken. It was a fun day!
According to their website:
The Daily Kos is the premier online political community with 2.5 million unique visitors per month and a quarter of a million registered users. It is at once a news organization, community, and activist hub. Among luminaries posting diaries on the site are President Jimmy Carter, Senator Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and dozens of other senators, congressmen, and governors.
On Monday, The Daily Kos wrote an article about Politicon. The following is just a small part of the article that mentions Clay Aiken.
Los Angeles is one of the finalists to host the 2024 Summer Olympics, but L.A. had its own early Summer Olympics this this past Friday and Saturday, at the first L.A. Politicon convention. The stadium was the L.A. Convention Center, and the athletes were the stars of the political and entertainment worlds who joined together to demonstrate what has become obvious: that politics and entertainment have merged.
The lineup at Politicon reflected this merger between politics and entertainment, and included well-known figures from both worlds such as James Carville, new host of “The Daily Show” Trevor Noah, Cenk Uygur, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Stephanie Miller, Toure, Alex Wagner, John Fugelsang, Michele Bachmann and Clay Aiken. Even Edward Snowden made an appearance via satellite from Russia. In keeping with the Politicon event, however, Snowden was interviewed by political satirists The Yes Men.
The Olympic athlete status of these stars soon became apparent. Like sprinters running on the track, these political professionals are quick on their feet. Everyone sounded extremely knowledgeable and articulate (though we didn’t witness Bachmann first-hand). There were no method-acting mumblers to be heard. And, appropriately, the first L.A. Politicon was very professionally run, sparkly but not flashy. One might even say it was toned-down as far as L.A. entertainment events go.
“2.5 million unique visitors per month and a quarter of a million registered users…” Amazing!!
Bloomberg Politics published a light-hearted video that they took at Politicon. At 3:02 in the video, Clay Aiken is being interviewed. It is just a light-hearted video, but fun to see. You can see the video at BLOOMBERG
The Washington Post wrote an excellent article about Politicon. They singled out Clay in their coverage of the event. The following is the part about Clay.
Inside the ‘ComicCon for Politics’
by David Weigel
…Politicon was not a left-wing conference. It was not a right-wing conference. It was something new that sounded inevitable once you got the elevator pitch. Politicon was “comic-con for politics,” a “place where entertainment and politics meet.” It was democracy without high stakes or consequences; it was a celebration of celebritization. If the star of CPAC is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), and the star of Netroots Nation is Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), was singer, reality TV star and unsuccessful 2014 congressional candidate Clay Aiken…
You can read the entire article at DWEIGEL
Throughout Monday, there were many tweets and posting of pictures from Politicon. I will post some of them here. I will put the source in the comment section.

DevinMaverick Robins @devinmaverick @kenrudin talks with @clayaiken about celebrities & politics @Politicon. Listen @kenrudinjunkie Clay Aiken and Ken Rudin posted a short article about Politicon and posted many great pictures. The next three pictures are from Bob.
You can read bob’s blog and see his pictures at BOBSPICTURES
There is a bit of personal news today too! Clay posted the following tweet on Monday.
It’s a big day!! Congrats @smdrumssean and @backeys