WOW!!! Tuesday was a VERY interesting and busy day…
It was election day and some are excited and some disappointed!
But wait!!! It was also a busy day because of Clay Aiken!
Yes…he kept us busy and…a bit excited…and it’s all on Social Media!
The following are a few messages from Twitter and Instagram!
From Ruben & Clay’s Christmas Show Tweet and Instagram
Not all close races end in a holiday show on Broadway. Get out there today and vote!#ElectionDay![]()

Today… First, VOTE!! … then head to and cast your second ballot of the day for the performance you wanna come to!!
#rubenandclay @ Imperial Theatre, 45th St, Times……
Meghan McCain posted this :
Bright Screen Studio posted the following Instagram. The picture is “backstage at the photo shoot”.
brightscreenstudioBTS from @clayaiken and @realrubenstuddard shoot!!! Go check them out at Imperial Theater in NYC!!!! These dynamic duo is !!! ❤️
Clay even got a message from his dentist
The following is an ad from the Washington Post website:
GMA – Good Morning America posted a short video of Clay and posted it on Tuesday.
Former ‘Idol’ star Clay Aiken on why you should ‘show up’ on Election Day
This election season, “Good Morning America” asked Americans to tell us “Why It Matters.” We wanted to know what issues are inspiring people to head to the polls and participate in the democratic process for this year’s midterms.
American entertainer and political advocate Clay Aiken said America is divided and people need to pay attention to their entire ballot on Election Day.
Yes…it was a busy day and I love it!! How about you?