Step Up In Support of Clay Aiken

How many reception/fundraising events can happen in one week?  Ask Clay Aiken…he’s certainly been involved in many events this week.

On Thursday, Playbill posted an excellent article about The Best of Broadway Reception held in New York Wednesday evening.

Playbill – PHOTO CALL: Christine Ebersole, Jordan Roth, Betty Buckley, Beth Leavel and More Step Up in Support of Clay Aiken Congressional Bid

By Matthew Blank 

Tony Award winners Betty BuckleyChristine EbersoleBeth Leavel and producer Jordan Roth are among the Broadway luminaries who are rallying to help support Clay Aiken in his North Carolina congressional run. Members of the Broadway community gathered in New York City for an Oct. 1 fundraiser for Aiken’s campaign.

Aiken, who is running on the Democratic ticket, became a household name in 2003 as runner up on “American Idol,” and later appeared in the Broadway production of Spamalot in 2008.

The openly-gay performer turned his art into activism in recent years, taking on a UNICEF ambassadorship in 2004 as well as creating the National Inclusion Project and being appointed a two-year term on the Presidential Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Aiken is currently running on the Democratic ticket in North Carolina’s 2nd congressional district in his home state of North Carolina after winning the Democratic primary in May.

“How exciting that a great voice on Broadway could become a great voice in Congress. We’re all proud to support one of Broadway’s own,” Jujamcyn president and producer Jordan Roth said.

Photo by Monica Simoes – Playbill

Besides the nice words, the article includes a photo gallery of 48 pictures of the event.  To see the article and pictures, visit PLAYBILL


On Thursday, Clay attended a special reception/fundraiser at GoldBar in New York City.  The event was hosted by a unique group of supporters.  The invitation said:

Isiah Thomas, Stephen Hill, Clive Davis, Desmond Child and Jeff Rabhan – with guest DJ Zeke Thomas – invite you to join us at Goldbar New York for a meet ‘n greet in support of Clay Aiken.

Clay is an eighth-generation North Carolinian challenging vulnerable Congresswoman Renee Ellmers. Clay is running for Congress to represent the people of North Carolina — not a political party or the special interests.

Please join us this Thursday to support Clay’s run for Congress and help get him to Washington!

The GoldBar is beautiful:

There are a few pictures of the event that I found:

arisetv360 American Idol Alum & Candidate for U.S. Congress Clay Aiken! @clayfornc

KT Nelson ‏@Actornyc Had a blast with my Aunt Helen , Clay Aiken , Isiah Thomas !!! #nc #ny #nyc #clayaiken #isiahthomas… Manhattan, NY

Music2MyEars ‏@M2Meee #selfieswithClay Chris Coggins a ClayforNc supporter in NYC @GoldBarNY

Hopefully, there will be more pictures and news about the event later.


From the GoldBar, Clay hurried to Bowlmor Lanes in Times Square to participate in a exciting event – A Bowling Fundraiser!

Ken Arpino was at the event to help support Clay and he posted the following:

Ken Arpino ‏@KenArpino TY NYC event #3! Fun nite- gorgeous guests- great cause! @ClayForNC #claymates #bowling #stupidtwitterlessdrewlost

#stupidtwitterlessdrew on Instagram #aikenbowlingleague

Clay wore a special bowling shirt that was raffled off…a great way to raise a bit more money!!

Now…how much fun it would be to win that shirt!!

I look forward to more news and pictures from the event later today.  I hope you will check back later!

It has been an exciting  and busy week.  I hope that Clay has had some fun and raised some needed donations!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

4 thoughts on “Step Up In Support of Clay Aiken

  1. Thanks for all the coverage Musicfan!! He certainly is a very busy young man. I wonder what his score was? 31 days to election, 4 days to DEBATE.

  2. The shirt was a raffle prize not an auction item. All raffle winners were not present at the event.

    • ACK…I knew that and was careless…I fixed it so anyone who visits now will see it correctly!

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