Clay Aiken – Celebrities, Politicians and Journalists

Celebrities, politicians and journalists got together on Saturday, April 27, 2019  at the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington.  Historian Ron Chernow was this years featured speaker.  The dinner was held at the Washington Hilton hotel.

The dinner was much tamer than in the past. The theme was celebrating the history of journalism and the First Amendment.  Most people seem to enjoy what Chernow said.  According the USA Today:

He first poked a bit of fun at himself for being selected in lieu of a comedian.

“They wanted to try ‘boring’ at this year’s dinner, and I said, ‘Oh, I can deliver on that big time!’ ” he began. “So here I am, your 20-minute sedative for the evening,”


The WHCA’s annual dinner began in 1920 and has become a Washington D.C. tradition. The event is usually attended by the President and Vice President. Fourteen presidents have attended a WHCA dinner, beginning with Calvin Coolidge in 1924.

According to the WHCA’s website, proceeds from the White House Correspondents’ Association annual dinner go toward scholarships and awards that recognize aspiring and accomplished journalists.

On May 1, 2004, Clay Aiken was an invited guest at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner. Jay Leno was the master of ceremonies that year. The dinner has become a form of a roast of the President and his Washington Colleagues.

Clay attended the annual dinner and looked handsome as he wore a long coat suit. After the dinner, he attended the Bloomberg News party.
 The dinner was televised on C-SPAN, but Clay was never spotted during the broadcast.

I hope that Clay will be invited to the dinner again sometime.

 He certainly deserves to be invited!



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4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Celebrities, Politicians and Journalists

  1. I think that Clay would enjoy the evening since he is so into politics. I like his take on issues and wish I could attend Politico in LA when Clay is on the panels.

  2. I wished we could have seen Clay acknowledged at the White House Dinner, Love all the pictures! He has been known to say, that his interest in politics is at a all-time low because
    no one is listening! Hopefully, OMC will attend Politico this year!

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