Esquire Info

I am posting some tweets that were live while he was presenting the documentary:

TV Guide Magazine ‏@TVGuideMagazine
Clay Aiken, the subject of Esquire’s doc #TheRunnerUp, says there werent plans to keep shooting if he won his congressional election. #tca15

TV Guide Magazine @TVGuideMagazine
“There were moments where I thought we had it in the bag,” says Clay Aiken. But realizes now he lived in a bubble. #TCA15 #TheRunnerUp

TV Guide Magazine ‏@TVGuideMagazine
“In retrospect, you wonder, was it possible? It’s a difficult district” Aiken says of his Congressional campaign. #TCA15 #TheRunnerUp

TV Guide Magazine @TVGuideMagazine
Clay Aiken jokes that “Politics is entertainment for ugly people.” #TCA15 #TheRunnerUp

TV Guide Magazine @TVGuideMagazine ·
“I like to think that all races are winnable,” Aiken says, but notes gerrymandered districts make it nearly impossible. #TCA15 #TheRunnerUp

TV Guide Magazine @TVGuideMagazine
Clay Aiken: I ran because I thought it was important to use the voice I have to bring attention to issues. #tca15 #TheRunnerUp


Check out the following article by Michael O’Connell.  The following are a few paragraphs from the article.  you can see the entire article at HOLLYWOOD

The Hollywood Reporter: Clay Aiken Talks Failed Congressional Bid: “Districts Are Gerrymandered Beyond Recognition”

…Right out the gate, Aiken was asked if he had any regrets about the race — or having it be filmed.

“Obviously, I had hoped to win,” he said. “I had no intention to do anything but run for Congress. What they did with the production was going to be up to them.”

Elaborating on the loss, Aiken seemed conflicted when asked if he thought if running as an openly gay Democrat in a conservative state meant that he never had a chance of winning. “I certainly don’t want to think that,” he said. “It’s a very difficult district. One of the things I hope we’re able to shed some light on is the political climate now… how so many districts in this country are gerrymandered beyond recognition.”

Aiken described North Carolina’s second district as resembling an “amoeba.”…

…”I’m new,” he said, laughing. “This was my first campaign, which is probably pretty evident if you see this… I didn’t run for congress specifically for gay constituents. To imply, as a gay man, I have to speak to gay issues only or more than anything, would imply that Jewish candidates should only speak to Jewish issues…. Am I a gay man? Yes. Would I like there to be gay marriage around the country? Yes.”…

I hope you will read the entire article as it is interesting.


Another interesting place to visit is Esquire Network – The Runnerup  This site has the live tweets from the event. The following is just one of them…

Like , which looked like a hellish experience for the subjects but was incredible TV, I’m sold on Clay Aiken’s

I will add to the post if we get more info or pictures.  Be sure and check back.  I will put a Red update on the top of the blog!!

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