Welcome to the Month of March!
The March birthstones are aquamarine and bloodstone.
Its flower is the daffodil.
Clay Aiken has always been pretty busy all year, but in the month of March, he has had some outstanding events!
Check out the pictures below!

Independent Tour – 2004 – 17 Concerts in March

The Today Show – 3/3/04 – talking about The Independent Tour

UNICEF trip to Indonesia – March 14, 2005

Spamalot – Broadway 2008

Glaad Media Awards – 3-28-09 Introduced Tyra Banks

PBS Tried & True Special – Taping in Raleigh 3-12-10

Tried & True Tour – Last Stop in San Francisco – March 2011

The Today Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda – Talking about Celebrity Apprentice 3/26/2012
Which event did you enjoy the most?
Do you think we might hear from Clay this March??

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain
How can one pick their favorite; they were all great memories from different years. But isn't it amazing how OMC has matured not only as a man, but as a performer. The one thing that hasn't changed is his compassion for children and his fans. Hopefully, we will see or hear from him soon. Clay, we will be right here waiting for you!
Love the photos Musicfan, thanks.
All of the above!! I always enjoyed when Clay was a guest on any program. I certainly hope we get some idea of what he is up to now soon. We will for sure next. Month on "The Runner Up". Can't wait!!!!
Hope so! My birthday was yesterday, March 1st